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Summary of Other News and Articles - 6/26/2002

June 29, 2002 |  

Latest News from China

Someone reported a practitioner to the police and as a result the practitioner was sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor. The person who reported the practitioner sold his conscience to the police for 2000 Yuan. A practitioner is half divine being. Throughout ancient history, people have respected, supported and tried to establish good relationships with cultivators. To do otherwise would be going against the will of heaven. Those who seek immediate rewards and disregard the consequences of their actions truly harm themselves.

The Tonghua Labor Camp in Jilin Province forces visiting family members to curse Master Li. They also take the food that the practitioners' families have given them and hand it out to criminals and shamelessly claim, "It is the holiday season. This is from the government." One vicious police officer tied a shoelace around a practitioner's penis and pulled at it and then laughed out loud. Practitioners are not allowed to cry or shout when they are being beaten. If they do the police will stuff the practitioners' mouths with pieces of dust cloth.

While suffering torture, Dafa practitioners who have been detained in the Third Detention Center of Changchun City, Jilin Province have let go of selfishness and have been spending their time clarifying the truth and spreading the Fa to the inmates, helping them distinguish the truth from the lies perpetuated by the propaganda machine. After experiencing practitioners' pure righteousness, compassion and great forbearance, these inmates have been deeply moved. Some of them have even said they wanted to become Dafa practitioners.

Practitioners Exchange Insights

Icelandic Experience: Righteous thoughts showed their power during my check-in process. Having arrived at the airport in Iceland, the police took me and another couple into a room and checked our passports. The couple complained continuously and said they did not practice Falun Gong, while I continuously sent forth righteous thoughts. Soon, the police returned my passport with both hands, but the couple was kept behind.

Safety concerns: Hereby, we want to remind people of the issue of safety. For the past year, the reason we did Dafa work solidly and well first and foremost depended upon our strictly following all protective measures for Dafa materials. When contacting others we used the one-to-one method, cut down on the number of key people who made Dafa information materials, organized connections between practitioners, took strict security measures on every level, and made important decisions within our information material group. We put an end to the common shortcomings of most material sites that suffered losses: having too many and "unfamiliar" practitioners involved in making materials, using poor security measures, making too many visits to the material sites, and other concerns. Furthermore, we negated the old force's arrangements in our minds and took solid steps to do Dafa work in a harmonious environment, created by us.

Heavenly Disasters and Man-made Calamities Are Warning the Sentient Beings

According to the Shenzhen Evening Newspaper, there are numerous toads in the two ponds in the Tiejiangyingzi Village, Talabu Town, Shuangta District, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province. Some of the toads in the ponds actually have only three legs. The front part of these 3-4 centimeter long toads looks the same as ordinary toads; however, the toads have only one back leg. It is not clear why these toads have only three legs.

News and Activities around the World

Commentaries from outside: When Jiang glibly talked about Buddhism, he did not mention the mercy and compassion of Buddhism at all. Over 400 Falun Gong practitioners have died because of his cruel persecution. But he even went to a famous Buddhist temple to fake his "Buddhist predestined relationship," which actually blasphemed the sacred place. During his conversation, Jiang could not help saying: "The sea of bitterness has no bounds, repent and the shore is at hand." I think this really exposed the true dread in his heart.

NEW YORK, June 25, 2002 (Falun Dafa Information Center) - Sixty-eight year-old U.S. citizen and Falun Gong practitioner Dan Bihan was refused entry into Hong Kong on June 22. After being detained for eight hours, over ten security guards wrapped her up in a canvas tarp, hoisted her onto their shoulders and carried her to a plane bound for New York. This incident once again shows that the Hong Kong government indeed has a blacklist of Falun Gong practitioners, which makes the outside world question the freedom of Hong Kong.

According to Falun Dafa Information Center report on June 24, 2002, while Jiang was visiting Russia, the Russian Consulate in Sydney rejected visa applications from two Falun Gong practitioners, one with an Australian passport and another with a New Zealand passport. The visa official said, "You are Falun Gong practitioners. China has requested that we reject your entrance. Your name is on the list of those who are forbidden to enter Russia."

Extensive Knowledge

My Qiqong Cultivation Experience: I enjoyed martial arts practice when I was young and studied under several famous masters. I have not only mastered Changquan (Long Fists), Bagua (the Eight Diagrams), Taiji, Knife, Pike, Sword, Stick, and some other Gongfu (martial arts), I also inherited and studied those masters' unique practices. In addition, I studied and tried a variety of religious cultivation practices. However, I felt very disappointed that they had all lost their real underlying meaning. At last, I have found Falun Dafa Cultivation Practice - a brand new Qigong cultivation practice, which truly explores the nature of life, the universe, beings, time and space. I finally found a satisfactory answer.