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Summary of Other Articles and News - 06/24/2001

June 27, 2002 |  


News from China

The awe-inspiring righteous statement and vindication from a Dafa practitioner who was illegally sentenced to jail: I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. All that I have done is validate Dafa, correct the government's mistakes, and wipe the poisonous influences from people's minds. Although we are forced to lose everything, we have no regret. We are risking our lives to uphold the truth, to resist the evil and to save sentient beings. We hope you will cherish this last opportunity to establish a good foundation for your future.

News and Activities around the World

According to reports from a Taiwan TV station on June 23, because China [Jiang's regime] put pressure on Iceland in advance, the Icelandic government rejected tourist visa applications from a group of Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioners. This caused strong disapproval among the Icelandic people towards their government. Today, this group of Falun Gong practitioners held a special press conference to explain the whole story and to oppose the Jiang regime's violation of human rights.

On June 23, eight years ago, Teacher Li was invited to hold the second series of Falun Dafa seminars in Jinan City, Shandong Province. Since then, Falun Dafa has spread rapidly throughout Shandong Province. As of April 1999, in Jinan City alone, there were nearly 500 practice sites. A few dozen practitioners in Shandong Province died of the Jiang regime's brutal persecution. Let all of our practitioners in the Shandong area redouble our efforts to assist Teacher in rectifying the Fa and welcome the Fa-rectification as it enters the human world.