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Summary of Other News and Articles - 06/14/2002

June 19, 2002 |  

Focus News

On June 12, 2002, Falun Gong practitioners held a press conference in front of the Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C., regarding the incident in which Falun Gong practitioners had been refused entry to Iceland. The press conference also condemned China's Jiang regime for compiling the blacklist, for pressuring the Icelandic Government and for creating problems for other democratic western countries.

On June 13, 2002, seven hundred Icelanders from all walks of life, including around four hundred and fifty Icelandic celebrities and parliament members, jointly signed and published an "Apology to Falun Gong Practitioners," spanning four entire pages of the country's largest newspaper, Morgunbladid. The statement apologized to Falun Gong practitioners for the actions taken against them by the Icelandic government, and also strongly condemned the Beijing [Jiang] dictator's serious violation of human rights. Icelandic citizens' groups planned to hold large-scale demonstrations to protest their government's ban that violated the freedom of speech.

Meanwhile, citizens gathered in front of the Icelandic Parliament building to protest the government for not listening to the voice of the people. One after another, local residents hung up banners supporting Falun Gong and signs that clarified the truth. In recent days, all the various media have been introducing Falun Gong to the public and exposing the tragic repression that has been occurring in China.

On the same day, Falun Gong practitioners in Reykjavik issued a statement to express their appreciation to the people of Iceland and their media for exposing the fact that the Jiang regime had provided the blacklist. The Jiang regime's purpose was to manipulate the Icelandic Government into preventing worldwide Falun Gong practitioners from boarding Icelandair flights to Iceland. Falun Gong practitioners expressed the view that they would peacefully testify against Jiang's crimes and said, "Everything in human society can be used by Fa-rectification. This is an especially historic moment at which the righteous forces from Falun Gong practitioners of many different countries protested together against the evil persecution, and the truth of Falun Gong was evidenced from their words and deeds."

Also on June 13, 2002, the Chairman of the Asian Affairs Committee of France's Green Party wrote to the Icelandic Embassy in France regarding the incident in which Falun Gong practitioners had been refused entry to Iceland. He assured the embassy that Falun Gong practitioners would not pose any threat to the social order in Iceland, and asked the Icelandic Government to reconsider this issue and allow these travelers to freely enter Iceland.

In an open letter to the Department of Justice in Iceland, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China stated, "We hope that all the democratic countries of the world can truly represent the wishes of their people. We hope they will consider the long standing treaties among Iceland and other nations, abide by their own principles and say 'No!' to the evil dictator."

A letter from a European Falun Gong practitioner to the Latvian president stated, "Last year, Your Excellency gave a speech at 'The Third World Anti-Racial Discrimination Conference,' describing how Latvians had been mistreated, detained or sent into exile, and killed. Under the Jiang regime, the Falun Gong practitioners in China are currently experiencing just such a tragedy. When Your Excellency meets with Jiang, I urge Your Excellency to express that Latvia will never agree with the Chinese Government's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners."

Practitioners Exchange Insights

The evil is making its last struggles. During these short few days, all kinds of interferences happened and the practitioners who arrived in Iceland showed a disturbed state of mind. The practitioners quickly began the group Fa study and experience sharing. Later, they speedily began their activities in Iceland. With help from all over the world, the 70 detained practitioners were eventually able to come to meet the Icelandic people, who are kind and wonderful.

Send Forth Pure and Firm Righteous Thoughts

Beginning from 10:00 a.m. on June 12, through Sunday, June 16, as a group, practitioners in San Francisco commenced to send forth righteous thoughts in front of the Chinese consulate. This effort will take 100 hours. Through two days of discussion and exchanges, practitioners all realized the critical importance of this historic moment.

Practitioners in Japan continue to send forth righteous thoughts in front of Chinese consulate.

Practitioners in London, England have entered their second week of continuous sending of righteous thoughts in front of the Chinese consulate, on whole hours and half hours. Despite the cold wind, thunder and rain, the practitioners are determinedly sending forth righteous thoughts and are not deterred in their efforts.

News and Activities Around the World

A letter from a practitioner to an everyday person: Dear friends, I am sending you the attached document with all my blessings. Jiang's regime scatters lies all over China and keeps you from knowing the truth about Falun Gong. I hope that through this document you will discover the truth and see the ugly secrets behind Jiang's propaganda against Falun Gong. Please spend a moment contemplating what Falun Gong is and why the crackdown has taken place.

Practitioners held a month-long Falun Dafa Photo Exhibition in Mabahide and Raheny in Dubline, Ireland. During the exhibition, practitioners filled their knapsacks with truth-clarification materials and distributed these materials whenever and wherever they could. In addition to holding the photo exhibition, they telephoned people in China and utilized chat rooms to clarify the truth. Some called their families and friends and sent them truth-clarification CDs and other materials. Additionally, they sent Teacher's new articles to practitioners in China.


Yue Longtao, the Office Manager of Jiaoyu Township Affairs in Daiyue District, Tai'an City, Shandong Province, tortured Falun Dafa practitioners and subsequently received retribution. He recently died of multiple terminal illnesses. Fang Jima, the Chief of the Judiciary Department in Jiaoyu Township is also a perpetrator. He is currently in the terminal stage of tongue cancer.

Wei Xuezhu and his wife, Yanggu County, Shandong Province, practiced Falun Gong before the crackdown. His wife had recovered from stomach and uterus cancers. Since the crackdown, Wei has assisted his son in arresting practitioners and extorting money from them. He is now suffering from a terminal disease.

Liu Fengxian of Xingtai, Hebei Province, went astray due to brainwashing. He had submitted a group practice photo to a local security department, which led to the arrests of many practitioners. In April 2001, he had a car accident and was hospitalized for more than a year. He died recently.

Shen, the Deputy Head of the First Brigade in a labor camp in Beijing, actively persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners. He had a leading role in brainwashing practitioners and was thus rewarded with more than a thousand Yuan. Evil is met with evil. He was recently fired from his position.

New from China

Lu Guozan was interview for a Chinese television program called Focus that slandered Falun Dafa. When asked about the persecution, he was evasive. To make up for his mistake, he recently made a statement regarding the death of practitioner Li Yanhua in Dashiqiao, Liaoning Province. Lu stated that the policemen in the Nanlou Police Department brutally tortured Li to death. Lu said that bruises could be seen all over Li's body, yet the police first blamed Li's death on self-immolation, and then on diabetes. Lu confessed that he was evasive when he was interviewed by Focus. He regretted that his interview had misled the public and had reflected negatively on Falun Gong.

I was illegally detained three times by the vicious police at Yongchang Public Security Bureau, and was forced to undergo brainwashing. During the Spring Festival in 2000, the public security police forced me to spend the New Year in prison. I was dismissed from the Party Membership and the retirement benefit from my pension was stopped. My home was ransacked. At the detention center I was brutally beaten and cursed by the vicious police and the criminals, and my money and belongings were illegally confiscated.

Falun Gong Practitioners in Guangzhou deeply cherish the memory of practitioner Hao Runjuan: You were kidnapped together with two middle-school students for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong, and were persecuted to death on March 18. You had always been validating Dafa with your all your heart, from going to Beijing to appeal while pregnant, to practicing the exercises in parks, taking your son to appeal and spreading materials about the truth of Falun Gong. Juan, you co-exist with the heaven and the universe. Practitioners from Guangzhou and the whole world will forever remember you.

I finally overcame the attachment of fear and went to Tiananmen to validate Dafa. After I was arrested, I was brutally tortured with electric baton. I went on a hunger strike and faced the viciousness with righteous thoughts at all times. Finally, I openly walked out of the demonic cave.

Scientific Exploration

Astronomers have discovered a planetary system similar to the Solar system, and 13 new planets, which make the total number of planets outside the Solar system to over 100.

Severe floods struck Guangdong, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, Chengdu, Hubei, and Guizhou. In Xinjiang the area affected by locusts has reached 25 million sq mu. Since 1999 the natural disasters in China increased suddenly from one year to the next, and worse with each year.

Research on Reincarnation -- The Evidence on the Eternity of Life (Part Eight)

The aging and death of cells and the health and longevity of life

Open the door to life and death and explore the mystery of the soul (Part Two): The study on near death experience has entered a new era.

Fairy Tales and Legends: Zhang Guolao who rode the donkey backwards