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Using Righteous Thoughts to Eradicate a Scheme to Persecute Practitioners

June 13, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a practitioner in Hebei Province. I was responsible for the printing and distribution of truth clarifying materials. We had omissions, however, and the evil exploited them, raiding our distribution center and arresting scores of practitioners.

I was kidnapped and held at the First Detention Center in Cangzhou City at the end of July 2001. During my 9 months of unlawful imprisonment I was often on hunger strike in protest. However, since my righteous thoughts were not firm enough, there were times I failed to stick with my hunger strike, resulting in a prolonged state of tribulation, and having to endure progressively worsening persecution.

Teacher said: "...Indestructible righteous faith in the cosmos's Truth forms benevolent Dafa disciples' rock-solid, Diamond-Like Bodies, it frightens all evil, and the light of Truth it emanates makes the unrighteous elements in all beings' thoughts disintegrate. However strong the righteous thoughts are, that's how great the power is." ("Also in a Few Words") Teacher's words woke me up. I understood more clearly that hunger striking is only a superficial form of showing our protest. It requires righteous thoughts to truly accomplish the effect of Fa rectification and the eradication of the evil.

In early April 2002, the police used the excuse of my having contracted a contagious disease to send me to a contagious disease hospital, and said that after sentencing (they had planned to sentence a dozen or so of us in May) we could apply to be released on bail for outpatient treatment, attempting to use that to gain our cooperation. I was determined to thwart their illegal sentencing; I resolutely refused to take any food or medicine. They then brought in dozens of policemen to watch over me round the clock, and threatened, "We did not let you go even when you contracted a contagious disease. Your hunger strikes can only reduce your chance further. You see those who were let go before are now back again? But more importantly, because you are a leader, you cannot be released without a trial." During this period, I clarified the truth to the police watching over me, and validated Dafa. I recited Master's articles and sent forth righteous thoughts during the rest of the time. I felt I was solid as a rock, unshakable and indestructible, and truly "make the unrighteous elements in all beings' thoughts disintegrate."

I was illegally locked up this way and tortured to near-death. On the afternoon of May 1st, the "610 Office" held an emergency meeting that lasted till 1 o'clock the next morning, and decided to quietly take me home, in the dark of the night, to avoid any responsibility.

After I went home, the police were afraid that the truth about their persecution would be exposed, and that if I died, practitioners and my family members would go to the capital to appeal. They dispatched over one hundred policemen and government workers, outfitted with over 30 vehicles, to surround the village. Day and night, they would interrogate pedestrians and check every passing car. Residents within 100 miles were disturbed and could not stop talking about it. At this time my tortured body was extremely weak. The police asked my family to persuade me to eat, hoping to take me away when my health improved.

A few days later, however, the news that I had been tortured was publicized on the web. The materials disclosing the truth were everywhere. Evil people's attempt to blockade the news failed completely.

The next day, a relative carried me into the street on a stretcher to let the facts speak for themselves and to allow people to see what the evil had done, so that they would not be blinded and could be saved. More and more people gathered to look. People all understood and condemned the police for not spending time catching real criminals, but wasting so much effort instead, taking on someone already persecuted to near-death. The police saw that the truth was out. Some of them fled in cars, some abandoned their cars and fled, others went into hiding. Among the on-lookers were some who had been suspicious of the truth about the persecution, and others who had been misled by the evil's propaganda and had slandered Dafa. Now with the facts in front of them they understood the truth and came to the side of Dafa, and all condemned the atrocities of Jiang's regime. When I saw that so many lives could see the truth, I was in tears. Villagers brought a lot of nourishing food for me, even people whom I did not have much to do with before came to visit me. Later on, all the practitioners collectively sent forth righteous thoughts around the clock on the hour to eradicate the evil. The police were all gone after a few days.

We have crushed the arrangement of the old force with our powerful righteous thoughts. A few days later I left home to rejoin the current of Fa-rectification.