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Some Details of the Persecution by Police in Jize County, Hebei Province

June 01, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Since July 20, 1999, personnel of Jize County law enforcement in Hebei Province have directly violated the law in pursuit of their own self-interests. The following are some details of the situation.

In February of 2000, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Juxia went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. She was arrested before she even arrived at the Appeals Office. Jize County police escorted her back to her hometown where she was illegally imprisoned for nearly 3 months and fined 5000 Yuan [the average monthly income in rural China is about 200 Yuan]. While preparing meals at home just prior to the Spring Festival of 2001 [Chinese New Year], she was arrested and taken to the police department by Jiao Hongbin and some other policemen. Two days later, she was transferred to Jize Detention Center and illegally imprisoned for 11 months. Since she continued to practice Falun Gong exercises, the detention center chief, Pei Fuhai, cuffed her hands behind her back and brutally beat her. Afterwards, she was released because she went on hunger strike.

In July of 2002, Dafa practitioner Ms. Song Fengju was arrested and escorted to Jize County Police Department because she distributed materials clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution. She was brutally beaten and cuffed to heating pipes to prevent her from falling asleep. The police also burned her arms with cigarette lighters. As a result of the severe torture, Ms. Song's eyes were bruised and swollen so badly that only two slits remained from which she could peer out. Many parts of her body were dark blue. The key persons responsible are from Jize County Police Department's Politics and Security Section, Huang Chenshan and Chen Shuping (female).

On November 22, 2001, because she practiced the exercises in the detention center, Dafa practitioner Ms. Song Fengju's hands were cuffed to her back. Chief of police Pei Fuhai. clutched her hair tightly and hit her head and face for over 10 minutes. Beaten to severe swelling, her face did not return to normal until several days later. The guard, Meng Fanhong, had also brutally beaten Song Fengju twice. She used a metal washing bowl to beat Ms. Song's head. The washing bowl broke so she continued to beat her head with the handle of a broom. The broom handle also broke to pieces. This is clearly shows the cruelty of guard Meng Fanhong.

In February of 2002, Song Fengju began a hunger strike for the third time to protest the persecution. She was force-fed by inserting plastic pipes through the nose and throat many times. Her esophagus and stomach lining ruptured and she continuously spit blood. They used long iron nails to pry open her mouth in order to force-feed her. The rusty nails cut a half-inch bloody gash on the gum. The key person responsible was the associate chief of the detention center, Zhen. Song Fengju was only released after she had been on a hunger strike for half a month, when her life fell into critical condition. The detention center was afraid to take responsibility for her continued rapid declining condition.

Ms. Huo Junmei, a Dafa practitioner in Shijiazhuang City, was detained and her house ransacked by Quzhou County Police Department because she exposed evil deeds about the persecution to the public. Ms. Huo went on hunger strike many times to protest the illegal imprisonment. On November 22, 2001, she practiced the exercises in a prison cell but was beaten by the guard, Meng Fanhong, using a wash basin, fiercely striking on her head. The chief, Pei Fuhai, also brutally beat her. Her nose was injured and her face was swollen. She was handcuffed for dozens of days. In February of 2002, she started a hunger strike to protest the persecution, which led to cruel and painful force-feeding. An evil prison doctor, Jia Tao, inserted a coarse and stiff plastic pipe into her stomach through her nose, then took it out, afterwards inserting it again, until her nose, esophagus, and stomach were all injured. Huo Jumei was so severely tortured that she spit blood and had blood in her stool. Jize County Detention Center feared being held responsible, so they immediately contacted Zhou Qu County Police Station to release Ms. Huo. She was illegally imprisoned for 1 year and 7 days. The unit responsible is Jize County Police Department's Politics and Security Section. The telephone number of Jize County Detention Center is 86-310-7523815.

Practitioner Duan Xinyue was imprisoned once in the spring of 2001 for more than 3 months. Under intense coercion, he "agreed" to something against his will. Afterwards he realized what he did was shameful for a Dafa practitioner to do. In January (Chinese lunar calendar) 2001, he rode on a bicycle to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. He traveled 500 kilometers in only 3 days. He knew that he had to double his efforts to make up for the loss he had made for Dafa. Only then could he would be worthy of Master's merciful salvation. At present, he is illegally imprisoned at Jize County Detention Center. Authorities there intend to sentence him to forced labor.