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U.S. New England Falun Dafa Association Congratulates Founding of Saipan Dafa Association

May 09, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) We were very pleased to hear of the official founding of the Falun Dafa Association of Saipan. All practitioners represented by the New England Dafa Association send sincere congratulations to the Saipan Dafa Association!

The founding of each new Dafa association in any area or country around the world is important in regards to promoting Falun Dafa and helping Teacher to rectify the Fa. At the same time, it deals a heavy blow to the evil force that persecutes Dafa.

Let's better complete our great historic mission and carry out our responsibilities bestowed upon us by Teacher and Dafa, and do better in offering salvation to people and for creating the future.

All Practitioners from the U.S. New England Falun Dafa Association