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Stories of Fa-Rectification in Tunisia

May 03, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) After Jiang left Germany, an American practitioner and I decided to visit Jiang's third stop on his international trip, Tunisia. Usually, it takes four weeks to get a Tunisian visa. However, we got the visa in one day based on our journalism credentials. The next morning, we arrived in Tunisia a few hours before Jiang. When Jiang arrived, a huge black cloud suddenly blocked the normally brilliant Mediterranean sunshine and a huge downpour descended from heaven.

Jiang's government used their favorite tricks, employing coercive measures to put pressure on the Tunisian government, so that we were unable to obtain press passes in Tunisia. A Tunisian government official directly confirmed us of this fact, but Chinese Embassy officials flatly denied it. Actually, they knew clearly that they were in the wrong.

Jiang's trip to Tunisia was just like the one to Germany. Police everywhere were kept in a state of high alert. Jiang's travel plans were kept secret. There were no press conferences, and each time Jiang came out, journalists were allowed only a few moments to take pictures.

When the Chinese delegation learned that we had come to Tunisia, they went to the Tunisian government to spread their propaganda. They slandered Falun Gong and spread baseless lies and fabricated stories. As a result, the Tunisian police acted as if faced with a formidable foe. The two of us were taken to the police station and carefully interrogated, "What is Falun Gong?" We clarified the truth to them. We gave them flyers, and demonstrated the exercises. Some of them even watched the CDs and explained what Falun Gong is to other policemen and to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Some said, "Your mission is accomplished. Now, in Tunisia, from the government to the police, all here know the human rights problems in China."

Tunisian people in general had never heard about China's persecution of Falun Gong. My fellow practitioner wore an "I support Falun Dafa" pin and walked around on the streets. Many times, Tunisian people would, on their own initiative, ask, "What is Falun Dafa?" When we let them see pictures, they were all astounded. A college student, who, of his own accord, asked to sign a petition, wanted his classmates to sign their names against the persecution as well. A lady working in a bookstore asked us if we had any extra flyers. She wanted to give them to customers and friends.

During our trip to Tunisia, we saw the kind hearts of the Tunisian people. At the same time, we noticed that due to our attachments and lack of righteous thoughts at important times, we missed many chances to confront the evil. Even though we could not directly face the evil, our very presence frightened the evil. An hour before Jiang made his speech to the Congress, we sent forth righteous thoughts for a half hour near the lobby where he was going to make his speech. Even though information was tightly guarded, we managed to send forth righteous thoughts in close proximity to where Jiang was staying.

We clarified the truth to everyone we encountered. After Tunisian police learned the truth, they said Falun Gong was good. We found the kind-hearted Tunisian people wanted to help Falun Gong. All this is a huge strike to the evil.

Unable to obtain the necessary visas, we were not able to go to Jiang's next stop, Iran. Therefore, one of us went to the Chinese Embassy to send forth righteous thoughts while the other contacted the Tunisian media. In front of the Embassy, I sent forth righteous thoughts every half hour. At first, I felt the evil field was very large, and I felt very uncomfortable, but after a few hours, everything was fine.

That night, I woke up and vaguely remembered a recent "dream." In the dream, my Main Consciousness participated in a furious battle at a high level. Over the next couple of days, my fellow practitioner and I went to the Embassy to send forth righteous thoughts every day.

Two days after Jiang had left, when I was doing the exercises, a voice said to me, "Your purity is an unbreakable guarantee of the colossal firmament!" Tears poured from my eyes. As a practitioner, I should continuously purify myself, do well next time, and strive to do better, so that I will never disappoint the benevolence and salvation of Teacher, and the great mission of Dafa disciple.