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Latest News from China - 05/15/2002

May 23, 2002 |  


  • [Northeast China] Dafa Practitioners Hang Up Several Hundred Banners to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Introduction of Falun Dafa to the Public
  • [Changchun Province, Jilin Province] Policemen in Court are Armed with Electric Batons; the Nanguan District Court is in a Mess
  • [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Police Authorities Purchase Equipment to Monitor Practitioners' Cellular Phones and Pagers
  • [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Several Practitioners' Whereabouts are Unknown After their Arrest in Late April
  • [Yingkou City, Liaoning Province] Evildoings in the Yingkou Forced Labor Camp
  • [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Officials in the "610 Office" of a Charcoal Factory Malevolently Retaliate after Their Evildoings are Exposed
  • [Ping'an County, Qinghai Province] Two Practitioners are Trussed up Tightly in a "Criticizing and Denouncing" Public Meeting
  • [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Police Authorities Track and Arrest Dafa Practitioners
  • [Hebei Province] Practitioner Wei Tianchen Sentenced to Four Years of Imprisonment
  • [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Recruitment of Workers to Keep a Look out for Cable TV in the Daowai District
  • [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Partial List of Names of Practitioners Currently Being Held at the Xiguoyuan Detention Center
  • [Nanle County, Henan Province] A Marvelous Spectacle Inspires Sentient Beings
  • [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Personnel from the Life Daily Ignore Professional Ethics and Slander Dafa
  • [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Telephone Numbers for the Deputy Director and the Person in Charge of the Brainwashing Class in the Wuhou District


[Northeast China] Dafa Practitioners Hang Up Several Hundred Banners to Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Introduction of Falun Dafa to the Public

On the evening of May 11, Dafa practitioners in a Northeastern city in China celebrated World Falun Dafa Day on May 13th. They hung up four huge banners, one meter in width and twelve meters in length (three feet by 39 feet), which read, "Celebrate May 13th - World Falun Dafa Day." Big colorful Falun emblems were printed at the bottom of the banners. People who saw them all praised them and were moved by the practitioners' tenacious determination.

That same evening, practitioners also hung up several hundred smaller banners that were a little over one meter (3 feet) in length to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day. They also made several thousand fine-looking, self-sticking flyers, which manifested the sacredness, solemnity and wonderfulness of this Dafa holiday.

[Changchun Province, Jilin Province] Policemen in Court are Armed with Electric Batons; the Nanguan District Court is in a Mess

On March 6, officials in Nanguan District's Court convened a "trial" to sentence Dafa practitioners. More than 100 police cars were parked outside the court and over 100 police officers were inside the courtyard. Military policemen even crowded upstairs and downstairs, as if facing a dangerous enemy.

The court was filled with plainclothes and uniformed police with electric batons in their hands. Only less than ten family members were present in the public gallery. The whole court was full of horror, as if facing formidable enemies. The judge of the Nanguan District Court didn't allow the practitioners to defend themselves. If the practitioners said something, they would be pulled out, beaten and shocked with electric batons. The practitioners didn't cooperate with the evil thugs. Three or four police beat one practitioner together. The court was in a mess. Electric batons sparked and policemen kicked the chairs over.

Practitioner Mr. Luu Yan was beaten so severely that he couldn't walk. Female practitioners, including Ms. Liu Zhe were electrically shocked. Policemen grabbed Ms. Zhang Shuqin's neck so tightly that she couldn't breathe. When the leading judge asked Ms. Liu Zhe to defend herself, Ms. Liu Zhe said, "First I want to defend my Teacher." Before she could complete her sentence, she was pulled out. Most practitioners were forcibly taken out of court many times because they defended themselves. When many practitioners were beaten, the judge had to announce a break. Almost every single practitioner was taken into a room and brutally beaten. During the trial, some family members were unreasonably taken out of the courtroom and illegally detained.

The so-called "witness statements" read in the court were actually written by the police. In the end, policemen held the hands of practitioners, who were beaten and couldn't move, to sign the document. Most practitioners' sentences were signed this way.

[Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Police Authorities Purchase Equipment to Monitor Practitioners' Cellular Phones and Pagers

Practitioners in Jiamusi City are faced with unprecedented, relentless persecution. Many practitioners were arrested and had confessions extracted with the aid of brutal tortures. In order to arrest more practitioners, the evil thugs recently bought surveillance equipment to tap, monitor, and locate practitioners' cell phones and pagers. The most important work for the police authorities right now is to persecute Falun Gong and they have laid everything else aside.

[Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Several Practitioners' Whereabouts are Unknown After their Arrest in Late April

On April 24, scofflaw policemen arrested practitioner Mr. Yang Chuanjun in Dalian City and his current whereabouts are unknown. His wife was also arrested on the second day. The whereabouts of many practitioners who have been arrested recently are still unknown.

[Yingkou City, Liaoning Province] Evildoings in the Yingkou Forced Labor Camp

During recent years, guards in the Yingkou Forced Labor Camp have coerced common prisoners into monitoring Dafa practitioners with the lure of reducing their detention terms. The prisoners often beat, abused and physically punished Dafa practitioners. A policeman in the labor camp said, "This is a pool of crocodiles."

Over the past few years, guards in the labor camp ordered prisoners to beat and shock Dafa practitioners with electric batons. After the physical torture had no effect on Dafa practitioners, the guards began to mentally persecute Dafa practitioners instead. They didn't allow Dafa practitioners to meet with their families for more than half a year, which made their families misunderstand Dafa practitioners and directly led to families being broken up. In one divorce case, guards in the labor camp deliberately held on to the Dafa practitioner's letters to prevent him from communicating with his wife, which eventually led to the divorce. They also didn't release Dafa practitioners when their detention terms had expired. Instead, they extended practitioners' detention terms.

In April 2002, the guards learned new methods from other places to torture Dafa practitioners. They divided us 13 practitioners into two teams and forced us to face a wall and sit down on a small wooden stool, which was only four meters long (12 feet) and four inches high, for a whole day. They didn't allow us to talk with each other or make any movements. If one of the practitioners went to toilet, they ordered four common prisoners to specially watch him. They assigned three chiefs in each division to strictly watch on us in turn, around the clock.

Even though under such strict surveillance, very early on the morning of May 5, we thirteen Dafa practitioners collectively sent forth righteous thoughts and escaped from the evil dens, which struck the evils a deadly blow.

Lawless policemen in the Yingkou Labor Camp: Xie Yujie, Liu Gang, Zheng Zhiqiang, Cui Hencheng, and chief She (the person's surname)

[Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Officials in the "610 Office" of a Charcoal Factory Malevolently Retaliate after Their Evildoings are Exposed

["610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems]

Since January 2002, after the evildoings of the vile persons in Lanzhou City's Charcoal Factory have been exposed all over the Haishiwan District and arose intense responses in the public, everyone in the factory knew of the evildoings. Officials in the "610 Office" at the factory were outraged. They colluded with officials in Haishiwan District's Police Precinct to arrest Dafa practitioners. On January 31, 2002, two Dafa practitioners were illegally detained at Honggu District's Drug Rehabilitation Center for fifteen days. The two Dafa practitioners did not drink water or eat food to protest the illegal detention. On the fifth day, Ren Guizhi (female), a chief of the rehabilitation center, rushed into the cell and beat and kicked the two Dafa practitioners without saying anything. After the beating, she ordered two male drug addicts to force-feed Dafa practitioners with water, but they failed. Then she ordered male prisoners to stuff Dafa practitioners' mouths with dirty towels. On the eighth day, officials in the rehabilitation center directly sent the two Dafa practitioners to Lanzhou City's brainwashing class.

Officials in Lanzhou City's Charcoal Factory dispatched two persons to watch every Falun Gong practitioner around the clock. Because they feared that Dafa practitioners would escape, they didn't allow Dafa practitioners to turn off the lamps at night or allow the accompaniers to sleep.

The collaborators [former Falun Gong practitioners who have gone astray due to brainwashing and torture] in the brainwashing class were Shao Saiyue (female), Tong Daocheng (Male), Zhang Jing (female) and Lu Yinqin (female).

The vile persons in the "610 Office" were Yan Yongsheng, Li Bin, Zheng Chunyan (this guy has sexually harassed female Dafa practitioners), Zhang Conglin, Pei Yangjian, Liu Junxia, Chen Rong, Li Shan, an official named Shang, Zhu Youde.

The lawless policemen in the Haishiwan District were Li Ling, Zhao Wei, Yan Bing and Ren Guizhi.

The vile persons in the "610 Office" of Lanzhou City's Charcoal Factory were Tang Zhanqing, Zhou Xiangjiu, Li Xingju, He Yufen and Wu Jianhua.

[Ping'an County, Qinghai Province] Two Practitioners are Trussed up Tightly in a "Criticizing and Denouncing" Public Meeting

Recently it was heard that two practitioners were illegally arrested and trussed up tightly in a "criticizing and denouncing" public meeting in Ping'an County of Qinghai Province. The two Dafa practitioners resolutely did not yield to the vicious forces. They did not lower their heads. Their righteous behavior frightened the evil.

[Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Police Authorities Track and Arrest Dafa Practitioners

At present, Shenyang City's Police Authority is arresting all practitioners who were previously detained into Forced Labor Camps but are released now. Policemen monitor practitioners' phone calls and stake out certain areas to track practitioners living in exile.

It has been known that around April 30, Feng Yajie and Wang Zongying were illegally arrested. Policemen went to Huanggu District to arrest practitioner Shi, a retired employee. After the authorities failed, they did not allow her daughter to go to work and ordered her to help arrest her mother. Additionally, Mr. Zhou Weizheng, his wife Xia Yulan, a teacher, and their 16-year-old daughter, Zhou Yuanyuan, have been illegally arrested.

Telephone Numbers of Related Police Units:

Shenyang City's Police Department:

Address: 106 Zhongshan Road, Shengyang City, 110001,

Telephone Number: 011-86-24-23832677

Heping Police Precinct:

Telephone Number: 011-86-24-23526537

Huanggu Police Precinct:

Address: 232 Huashan Road, Shenyang City, 110036

Telephone Number: 011-86-24-86402205

[Hebei Province] Practitioner Wei Tianchen Sentenced to Four Years of Imprisonment

Dafa practitioner Wei Tianchen from Hebei Province was sentenced to 4 years of imprisonment because of practicing Falun Dafa.

[Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Recruitment of Workers to Keep a Look out for Cable TV in the Daowai District

Recruitment of citizens from 30 to 50 years old in Daowai District of Harbin City has been carried out to keep watch over TV cables in fear of Falun Gong practitioners clarifying the truth through the cable TV system.

[Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Partial List of Names of Practitioners Currently Being Held at the Xiguoyuan Detention Center

Men's Team:

No.3 Team: Guo Shoujun (a Ph.D. holder from Northwest Normal University, was sentenced to three years of forced labor); No. 0201 (his name is unknown; was arrested on February 10, 2002); Wang Yunbo (a graduate of the class of 1997 from Economic Management College of Lanzhou University, was arrested on March 22, 2001 and has been sentenced to three years of forced labor).

No.4 Team: Zhang Xiaodong; Jiang Chunbin (who was arrested on February 10, 2002); and alsoYang Xuegui.

No.5 Team: He Jianzhong who was arrested at the beginning of January 2001.

No.8 Team: Xu Jianping; Luo Yongde (arrested on February 10, 2002); Li Fubin (arrested on February 10, 2002) and another practitioner (arrested on May 2, 2002).

No.9 Team: Du Xin; An Xiwen (arrested on March 23, 2001); Fang Shuguang (a teacher from the Provincial Committee Party School, who was arrested on February 10, 2002).

No. 10 Team: Wen Shixue

No.11 Team: Bai Sanyuan and Dong Huide.

No.12 Team: Wang Qingnian.

Women's Team:

No.14 Team: Du Lanping (arrested on March 11, 2002); Lin Runyu (arrested on February 10, 2002); Zheng Meihua (arrested in February 10, 2002); Wu Xiaojing (a practitioner originally from Sichuan Province, was arrested on March 22, 2001); a female practitioner with an unknown name who was arrested on May 2, 2002; Wu Shenghe (arrested on May 2, 2002).

No.15 Team: Han Yuping (arrested on March 11, 2001); Li Qiuxiang; Zhang Jing (arrested on February 10, 2002); Zhang Hua (arrested on February 10, 2002); Zhang Zhenmin (arrested on May 2, 2002); a female practitioner and her 12-year-old daughter (arrested on May 2, 2002).

[Nanle County, Henan Province] A Marvelous Spectacle Inspires Sentient Beings

At around 2:00 p.m. on the eleventh day of the eleventh month of year 2001 according to the Chinese lunar calendar, a Falun appeared in the sky above Yuancun Town in Nanle County. The Falun was of orange color and located directly in the south. It spun clockwise and then counterclockwise. The scene lasted about 15 minutes.

[Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Personnel from the Life Daily Ignore Professional Ethics and Slander Dafa

The Life Daily of Heilongjiang Province constantly publishes articles to slander Dafa. In their May 13 issue, in order to frame Falun Gong, they again reprinted the article entitled the so-called "Killing Daughter" accident that had previously been published by the People's Daily. Fellow practitioners, let's send forth righteous thoughts to suffocate the evil behind it.

News hotline of the newspaper: 011-86-451-4642380 and 4681180.

[Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Telephone Numbers for the Deputy Director and the Person in Charge of the Brainwashing Class in the Wuhou District

The telephone numbers of Chen Zhengwei who is the deputy director and the person in charge of the brainwashing class in the Wuhou District: 011-86-28-85556383 (office) and 011-86-28-85553666 (home).