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Dafa Practitioners Peacefully Appeal to Stop the Killing during Chinese Minister of Personnel Zeng Qinghong's Visit to Japan

May 10, 2002 |   By Dafa practitioners from Hiroshima

(Clearwisdom.net) From April 25 to 28, 2002, when Zeng Qinghong, the Minister of Personnel, one of Jiang's right hand men persecuting Falun Gong, visited Japan, we displayed Dafa's banners in front of him and shouted "Falun Dafa is good" from the bottom of our hearts. Our action effectively struck a blow at the evil.

On April 25, when we rushed to the airport, the welcome ceremony had already ended. However, just at this time, Zeng Qinghong's entourage stepped out of the hall. Some of us distributed the Dafa materials and VCDs; some took the initiative to talk to them and clarify the truth. They were very surprised. Some even said, "Are there Falun Gong practitioners over here, too?"

We then went to their hotel to clarify the truth more deeply. Many people were willing to accept the Dafa materials and expressed their interest. However, there was a person who was in charge of another small group who did not accept the materials, nor did he let others. Furthermore he cursed us. One practitioner asked him, "Where do you come from?" He turned pale and didn't know what to say. It was obvious that the evil was very timid and weak.

On April 26, Zeng Qinghong was scheduled to go to Oita City Cultural Center. We arrived there early in the morning. However, the police would not let us get close to the gate. Practitioners then clarified the truth and promoted the Fa to them while continuously sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil forces behind them in the other dimensions. Little by little, they became more and more understanding. Eventually they expressed their support and allowed us to display the banners on the road right across from the central gate of the cultural center. Just like Teacher said in "Drive Out Interference," "The Fa can break all attachments, the Fa can destroy all evil, the Fa can shatter all lies, and the Fa can strengthen righteous thoughts."

At 10:30 a.m., Zeng Qinghong finally showed up. Two practitioners quickly unfolded a big banner that read "Falun Dafa is Good." Other practitioners waved "Falun Dafa" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" flags. The scene was very spectacular.

After he got out of the vehicle, a dejected Zeng Qinghong went through the cultural center gate. Unfortunately for him the entire front of the building was glass and he had nowhere to hide. We held up the banners until they had all gone inside. The policemen nearest Zeng Qinghong said that when Zeng saw the Dafa practitioners and the banners, he was so terrified that he went pale immediately and twitched every now and then. It was obvious that the person who committed wrongdoing was scared. The Japanese police felt puzzled and asked us why Zeng was so terrified. We then told them about the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in China and that Jiang's gang had so strenuously persecuted them that they were afraid of justice and exposure of their deeds. The Japanese police gained a deeper understanding of Dafa. They even went to the park to practice with us of their own volition and told us to take good care of ourselves.

That same night, Zeng Qinghong stayed in a famous Japanese hot spring hotel. We were not about to let Zeng out of our sight, so we decided we would sleep out in the open if necessary. The police were so moved they found an inexpensive hotel near Zeng. We then practiced and sent forth righteous thoughts in the nearby park. Whenever one of the entourage would step outside they often stopped and watched our practice.

At 8 a.m. on April 27, about a dozen of us formed a small-scale parade. While sending forth righteous thoughts, practitioners handed out leaflets and clarified the truth to the passersby.

April 28 was the last day of Zeng's visit in Japan. Practitioners separated into three groups and waited at the highway entrance, exit and airport. Practitioners always maintained righteous thoughts and didn't give the evil force any opportunity to get by.

The six buses carrying the entourage showed up at the highway; however, Zeng Qinghong's vehicle was not among them. When Zeng learned we were waiting by the highway, he made a detour to the airport. He thought he was very clever and entered the airport lounge with a smug smile, but a group of us had come to send him off. Dafa practitioners carried banners that read "Falun Dafa" and we called out, "Falun Dafa is good." Other Japanese people also shouted loudly, "Falun Dafa is good." The whole airport reverberated with the sound of "Falun Dafa is good." Actually, what happened was that practitioners had spread the Fa and clarified the truth to these Japanese people and suggested they send off this Chinese official with "Falun Dafa is good." Zeng Qinghong was shocked and his smile disappeared. He rushed onto the plane panic-stricken.

This trip to Oita City effectively struck a blow at the evil. The entourage also got an opportunity to position themselves. At the same time, we helped the Japanese Government, the policemen and the media gain a new understanding of Falun Gong and we also exposed the Jiang Gang's evil nature. The Dafa truth-clarification materials we handed out also brought an opportunity to obtain Dafa to the residents of Oita City.