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Strong Righteous Thoughts Eliminate Tribulations and Show the Mighty Power of Dafa

April 04, 2002 |   By a practitioner from China.

(Clearwisdom.net) February 4, 2002, was "Beijing Falun Dafa Day." At noon I went to Tiananmen Square to send forth righteous thoughts for those fellow practitioners who have unfurled Dafa banners to validate Dafa. I was questioned and searched by police on the Square. They discovered truth-clarification materials and CDs in my bag and forced me into a police van. I did all I could to shout: "Falun Dafa is good!" In the police van, the police discovered my two pagers, two cell phones and a telephone book. I did my best to scramble to protect it. The police pounced on me and struck the back of my right hand. Suddenly, my hand was bleeding.

After the police van reached the Tiananmen Police Station, I was locked in a cell together with almost 20 other practitioners. We encouraged each other, recited Teacher's articles together and sent forth righteous thoughts. I examined myself. It was careless of me to have taken truth-clarification materials with me to Tiananmen Square. It allowed the evil to dig into the loophole and caused a big loss to Dafa.

The police dragged me to another room to interrogate me. Facing their threats and curses, I sat on the floor, not answering any of their questions. Instead, I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil behind them. Later, they hung me up, handcuffing my right hand to the iron bars of the cell. The handcuffs were so tight that they cut into my wrist, causing it to bleed in addition to the earlier wound caused by the police. Yet I felt that the cuffed arm was very light, and I did not feel pain or tired at all. Realizing that our compassionate Teacher endured all of these for me, I became more and more determined.

In the night, two hypocritical policemen came to talk with me in order to trick me into telling them my name and background. They brought me food and water. I went on a hunger strike to protest. In the end, they unleashed all their ferocity. They handcuffed me to a chair in such a way that I was only able to half squat and half stand for the whole night. The next morning, during the interrogation, they took out a phone number list that I had called using my four phone cards. I immediately sent forth righteous thoughts to cause the phone numbers to be disordered so as to reduce the loss to the minimum.

Under the strengthening of compassionate Teacher, the righteous thoughts worked. When one of the police read the cell phone number of a fellow practitioner, the second half was totally wrong. I immediately became even more confident to eliminate the evil with righteous thoughts. Their attempt to find a lead through the phone number list failed.

The police became enraged. They kicked my legs, lower back and slapped me in the face. I still did not say a word. The police got nothing from me. The same night, I was sent to the police station on Tiyuguan Road, where they obtained nothing from me either. On the next day, I was transferred to the detention center in Congwen District. I still did not tell them my name or my address when I was once again interrogated. Later, they confidently took me to the computer room in an attempt to find my information through their database on the internet. I had been illegally detained at this detention center in 1999 and someone had recognized me. It could well be that my identity was stored in the computer. I immediately held my right hand erect to send forth righteous thoughts that I would not let them find my information. As a result, they did not find anything. They felt very surprised.

After a few days of hunger strike, I was taken to the infirmary. Three male and three female criminals stood there staring at me. Besides them, a jail doctor shouted: "Are you eating or not?" I shook my head: "No!" "Feed him!" Immediately, the six criminals pounced on me, and tackled me to the floor. They firmly held my arms and legs, and force-fed me. I was once again brought to the infirmary, where the evil police asked, "Do you want to drink it yourself or be force-fed?" At that time, I didn't want to suffer the pain of force-feeding, and I drank the powdered milk and agreed to eat. After I came back to the cell and had food, I immediately felt pain in my stomach. Knowing that I was wrong, I felt very sad. Soon I saw a leaky water faucet. I suddenly realized that Teacher was giving me a hint that I had a big omission! I hate myself: still seeking comfort even in the cesspool! What was there to the end that I still could not give up? Do I really believe in Teacher and Dafa? Do I only want to take the good things from Dafa without being willing to endure, and not willing to give for Dafa? Thus I decided firmly not to eat. In the afternoon, I was transferred to a cell which the police considered a very good one. I suddenly understood that Teacher gave me another chance to start again. I completely denied the evil force's arrangement. I decided not to go on the night duty, not to do the cleaning work and go on hunger strike to protest.

Thus, a few days later, they stopped the force-feeding. I was brought to the infirmary to have the blood pressure measured and to have a physical examination. I realized that a chance was coming. I sent forth righteous thoughts: Teacher, please strengthen me, let my blood pressure rise to 200 and my heart beat randomly. According to the result of the examination, they decided to give me a transfusion immediately. I sent forth righteous thoughts: The doctor could not find my blood vessel. They could not stick the needle into my blood vessel after 7 or 8 tries. When they finally struggled to insert the needle, I pulled it out immediately. They decided to send me to the hospital to have an intravenous drip and blood and urine test. When they examined my blood, I sent forth righteous thoughts: Teacher, please strengthen me and let me show the symptom of hepatitis! Half an hour later, I heard one police saying to another person: "This time, his heartbeat is stable, but he has now 4 plus (hepatitis)!" They decided to set me free.

During this period of testing, I had too many things that I did not do well. I was so far away from the indestructible and diamond-like solidity. I had not completely denied the evil's arrangements. For example: driven by fears, I ate their food and drank their water. I also lost many chances to get out due to my fears as well. But great and compassionate Teacher kept giving me hints, and strengthening me. I deeply felt Teacher's boundless compassion and the mighty power of Dafa. I truly found out that under the evil circumstances, the mighty power of righteous thoughts more powerfully exhibit extraordinary and miraculous effects. As long as we are determined in believing Teacher and Dafa, Teacher is always besides us. As long as we are dissolving ourselves into the Fa, completely denying the evil's arrangements, we are walking along the path set by Teacher!