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Cases of Jiamusi Practitioners Being Arrested and Tortured

April 03, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Chen Guicai is 39 years old. On July 22, 1999, he went to appeal against the unjust persecution of Dafa and was arrested in Beijing. He was sent back to the Jinshantun area and illegally detained there for 47 days. On Oct 18, 1999, he went to appeal again and this time he was illegally detained for two months. In January 2000, he was forced into a brainwashing class. During the class, he insisted that he be permitted to practice and study the Fa. As a result, he was detained and sentenced to one year in a labor camp on March 15. At Yichun Labor Camp, he insisted on practicing and studying Dafa; therefore he was forced to be brainwashed. He was also tied up and tortured. One time he was tortured for as long as eight hours. The warden put a plastic bag on his head three times for five minutes each time. The head of the second team incited inmates Yin Yanhong and Wang Zhiguo saying: "Torture him to death if he refuses to renounce his belief. I will take responsibility for his death."

Lu Xiuqin is also 39 years old. She lives at the Wangjiang Town government building in a rural area of Jiamusi City. She went to appeal on Jan 6th of 2001 in Beijing. The local security office fined her 4,000 Yuan and her work place stopped paying both her and her husband's salaries for six months. On January 16, she was detained at the detention center, where she was held for over one month. Wang Hai is the person responsible for her detention. Two months later, she was illegally sentenced to one year in a labor camp. She finally finished her term and was released on Jan 15, 2002, but her work place refused to let her resume work. She is now facing financial difficulties.

The phone numbers of evil persons:

Liu Shaochen: the director of the Wangjiang Town Police Station in a rural area of Jiamusi City. 86-454-8831268 (work), 86-13904541177 (cell)

Lu Wei: the deputy director of the Wangjiang Town Police Station in a rural area of Jiamusi City. 86-454-8831268 (work), 86-454-8831285 (home)

Wang Hai: the secretary of the Party Committee of the Wangjiang Town in a rural area of Jiamusi City. 86-454-8546345 (home), 86-13039606333 (cell)

Liu jiying: 86-454-8812207 (home), 86-13845462207 (cell)

Yang Yongping is 43 years old. She is an associate professor in the Chemical Pharmacology College at Jiamusi University. On May 20, 2000, Wang Ming, from the university security office, went to her home and told her that the public security bureau officer needed to talk to her. She was released two hours later. At around 4:00 PM on June 20, 2000, she was again requested to go to the public security bureau. Upon arriving at the Xiangyang security bureau, the person in charge, Cui Rongli, arrested her. On Jan 9, 2001, the principal and inspection office of the university issued a document recording a demerit on her and dismissing her from her post as the director of the teaching and research office. In addition, they stopped paying her the bonus. In Feb 2002, Jiamisi University decided to stop her from lecturing.