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Dafa Banners in Hebei Province, China on April 25, 2002 (Photos)

April 27, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On the third anniversary of the Falun Gong peaceful appeal, many large Dafa banners appeared on walls of a park and downtown in a city of Hebei province, China.

    Park Park Downtown
    The banners reads, "Falun Dafa rectifies the human world, The Buddha-light illuminates everywhere and brightness appears."

    Small banners and posters on streets and off-streets. The banner reads, "Falun Dafa is good".

In fact, truth-clarifying banners and literature are continuously available in the city. More and more practitioners stepped forward and appreciated the Teacher for the waiting for their awakening. They kept studying the Fa, sending forth righteous thoughts, and clarifying the truth every day. They often went out to hang banners, post flyers and distribute literatures. Though recently many practitioners were arrested, sent to labor camps, and sentenced to jail illegally, Dafa literature was still readily available in the city.