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Don't Waste Time -- Jump Right In and Catch up with the Process of Fa-Rectification

April 15, 2002 |   By an Austrian Dafa Disciple

(Original text in German)

I obtained the Fa three and a half months ago. Ever since I recognized the importance of Fa-rectification, I have tried my best to contribute my share as a Dafa-particle.

In my studies to become a sculptor I attend a professional technical school, where my artistic inclinations are strongly supported. At the beginning of the school year, during one of the subject classes, stylistics, we had to decide our choices and dates for individual student presentations. I was required to study an artist's work and make a presentation to the class. Six months later I was studying Dafa and the report of my research to the class loomed ahead. I no longer felt good about presenting and discussing the works of this particular artist for various reasons. I wanted to take advantage of my opportunity to present something better to the class. I realized that my instructor would not be pleased about the decision to change my topic, but I took the risk. I turned over in my mind how I could best incorporate Dafa into my newly chosen theme and further connect it to the persecution. I called my new theme "Traditional Chinese Calligraphy."

Eventually I did receive permission to change my report. I began with the development of calligraphy in China, spoke about the character styles in calligraphy, made comparisons to European art forms, incorporated information about the different mentalities of artists, and also addressed the importance of meditation that precedes all applications in Chinese art.

This was merely an introduction to highlight the works of Chinese artist Ms. Zhang Cuying, a Falun Dafa student known to all of us, who now makes her home in Australia. I began speaking about her gifts as a painter, then mentioned the tremendous health benefits the practice of Falun Dafa brought to her, and finally transitioned this information to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China at the hands of Jiang's regime.

My fellow students--and especially my teacher-- listened attentively to my words, showed genuine interest and were visibly moved by the suffering Zhang Cuying had endured. They also had more and more questions about Falun Gong.

I was quite glad to have realized at the right moment that there are opportunities everywhere to tell the truth about Falun Gong.