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Solemn Declarations From Mainland Practitioners

April 15, 2002 |  

Solemn Declaration:

In October of 1999, I went to Beijing to validate Falun Dafa and was unlawfully arrested. Because I hadn't studied the Fa thoroughly I didn't see through the evil's persecution of Falun Dafa and practitioners. My human notions took over under threats by my company and the police station and I signed the so-called "3-no" guarantees (may vary from place to place, but generally, guarantees to not practice Falun Gong, not associate with other practitioners, not go to appeal in Beijing, etc.) that damage Falun Dafa. I had offended the Fa that gave me life and offended the Teacher's compassionate salvation. I felt extremely upset and ashamed of myself. Then the process of Fa-rectification deepened, and after continuous study of the Fa I understood the old evil force's wicked intentions of persecuting Falun Dafa to destroy sentient beings. I realzed that I must regard the Fa as Teacher, steadfastly practice Falun Dafa, follow Teacher to rectify the Fa, and help Teacher in the human world. I cannot dishonor Falun Dafa or my life's original purity with a mistake. I hereby publicly declare that the so-called "understandings" and "3-no" guarantees that I wrote without accordance to Falun Dafa are null and void. I will redouble my effort to compensate for the damage that I have done.

Wang Yali, March 20, 2002



Solemn Declaration:

Since learning Falun Dafa I have benefited both physically and mentally. Under the evil persecution I wrote a "guarantee." Two years later, which was last fall, a lump of flesh grew under my eyelid. It continued to grow every day. The doctor said that surgery was necessary. My family was not well off, so I picked up Zhuan Falun again. After reading it for about 20 days the growth under my eyelid started to weep. I couldn't open my eye. Under pressure from my family, I decided to have the surgery. Five minutes before getting into the car, someone looked at my eye. The growth had receded and I had stopped weeping. I was touched from the bottom of my heart, and realized that this was Teacher's great compassion, to not let practitioners fall behind. I hereby declare: Everything that I have said and done that was against Dafa is null and void. I will firmly follow the pace of the Fa-rectification and be a real practitioner. I will redouble my efforts and compensate for what I have done.

Chen Lijuan, April 1, 2002



Solemn Declaration:

We gladly received Zhuan Falun in 1998 and started practicing Falun Gong. Within a year our bodies had become healthy and our xinxing (moral character, mind nature) had improved tremendously. After July 20, 1999, Jiang's regime prohibited us from practicing Falun Gong and forced us to give up our faith. At that time, our Fa study was not deep enough. We used our human notions when facing tribulations and signed the "guarantee" that the village committee wanted us to sign. We hereby solemnly declare that the "guarantee" is null and void. A genuine practitioner needs to firmly follow our Teacher's Fa-rectification process. Furthermore, a real practitioner will join the ranks of those who actively clarify the truth to ordinary people and bring the opportunity of salvation to sentient beings. We need to redouble our efforts and compensate for the damage that we have done.

Sun Yuhua, Chen Shufang April 5, 2002
