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Malaysian Dafa Practitioners Clarify the Truth as "Gate Keepers"

April 1, 2002 |   By a practitioner in Malaysia


During the past two years more and more Chinese chose Malaysia as their preferred vacation destinations, providing good opportunities for the local Dafa practitioners to clarify the truth.

One of the "must-see" attractions for all Chinese tourist groups is the "Cave of Dark Wind," with many Indian temples on a nearby mountainside. Tourists visiting here usually have ample time to walk around on their own. As a result, Dafa practitioners took advantage of this circumstance to talk with them in depth to clarify the truth.

Dafa practitioners took it seriously when clarifying the truth at the entrance to the mountain site. Due to its religious nature, they do not allow bills to be posted nearby. However, after these Indians with lifelong religious faith learned about the persecutions of Falun Gong practitioners by Jiang's regime in China, they were shocked with disbelief. They indicated that if they did not support us to clarify the truth they would be against the will of heaven. Thus, the Dafa signs and flags took home here. With formal approval, Dafa banners were posted on the tallest rock pillar near the entryway.

Each morning, Dafa practitioners would bring with them fresh flowers and wreaths, which they gently hang on the rock pillar alongside with pictures of Dafa practitioners who were tortured to death. Each day Dafa practitioners would personally witness countless people awakened completely from the lies and deceptions. Each day they would also witness the many touching scenes, such as we present below:

Scene 1: The young man from Beijing who knew the inside story of "Self Immolation"

While a group of tourists were viewing our picture boards, suddenly someone yelled out loudly that we fabricated the "Truth of Self Immolation" story. He was quite obnoxious. Unexpectedly a tall young man from Beijing stepped forward and pointed at our picture board, "Hold it there, if you don't mind. In fact many people were aware of it. A relative of mine worked as a patrol officer at Tiananmen Square." All of a sudden everyone quieted down. He continued, "Actually they were ready for it on that day. They were debriefed all the way from the top. Police had everything prepared and set up. The self-immolation was pre-arranged. Further, I heard from my relative that all those TV scenes on Falun Gong practitioners were coerced. Especially those programs that showed practitioners renouncing Falun Gong. You have no idea what coercion awaited them next to the camera. The coercion and torture were really atrocious. In fact, none of them were willing to give up."

The whole group started to talk it over, and quite a few of them reached for the truth revealing flyers. One Dafa practitioner was so moved that he went to the young man who was about to leave, handing a package to him and saying, "Would you please give this package to your relative? We would appreciate it very much if you could tell your relative from your heart that it is the law of the heaven that 'good is rewarded with good, evil meets evil.' Ask him never to do things that help the evil even submissively." The young man's reaction was unexpectedly calm. He held the practitioner with both hands and replied with appreciation, "Thank you, I will make sure that the CD and your words will reach him."

Scene 2: Pack the truth in my head

A young practitioner couple bought a portable VCD player and asked us to use it to play truth clarification programs at the tourist site. Many tourists changed their tour plan after viewing the VCD, saying they would rather finish watching the VCD than climbing the hill! Even some concerned tourists expressed their righteous attitude. One of them said, "I am afraid to take one home, but I want to watch and listen. I believe what you have said. The government putting such a tight lid on it can only tell us they had some skeleton to hide in the closet. They were afraid that we might bring truth flyers back. But instead I will pack them in my head to bring them back home. What could they do about it? Are they going to open my head for inspections?"

Scene 3: Tourists who were eager to watch the VCD

When we first played the VCD on the portable player, the battery in the portable VCD player could only last for about two hours. Once the battery ran out of power, the crowded audiences became agitated, "Hey, what is going on? I still need to finish watching it. I was right in the middle of it." As soon as we told them it would take an hour to recharge the battery, they got even more concerned, "I could not wait for that long and I really wanted to watch it. Could you bring it to our hotel so we could view it there?" Fortunately, the tourist center manager was very enthusiastic in his support, allowing us to use their regular AC outlet to charge and power the VCD player. So while we charged the battery we could play the VCD for the tourists at the same time.

Scene 4: Conversations between two Shanghai tourists

These conversations were heard from people belonging to a tourist group from Shanghai.

--"Professor, hurry up over here. It is the truth that you were most eager to find out. Go watch the picture board yourself: Truth about Self Immolation."

--"Great. Make sure you get enough. You all go ahead to climb the hill. I wanted to stay here to watch the VCD. I wanted to go back and tell my wife and daughter, telling them not to give up the practice."

--"Hey chief, could we get some of this?"

--"Certainly, I say so that you can take them. Don't be afraid and take as many as you want. This way the whole company should know the truth. Look, I already got a whole bagful of it."

Scene 5: The man who specifically got off the bus to take the flyer

A man ran toward us full of sweat, "I was taking a nap on the tour bus so I did not get off with the rest of tourists. I was very interested about Falun Gong. After I saw they all brought back with them so much truth revealing material I wanted to get some for myself, too. But we were about to leave by then. I was worried that I might not have a chance to see your people in the next tour attraction point. Then I told the tour guide to wait for me so I could get off the bus and get my own package of Falun Gong material."

"Very well, this is for you."

"Thank you, thank you, I will take a good look at it."

Scene 6: The kind-hearted man who wanted to donate money

--"I always thought that you were involved in politics. But your spirit touched me after watching you all getting darkened under the sun for the past couple days. You were so persistent rain or shine. You were all kind and sincere. I support you. Could you use some donation?"

--"No thank you, we do not accept donations but we truly appreciate your gesture. All we strive for is for people to know the truth."

--"That is wonderful. I heard that many Chinese could not return back to China due to the persecution. If they need to find a job, please call me at this number. I will try my best to help you."

--"Thank you."

Scene 7: Encounter with a Dafa practitioner from China

This Malaysian practitioner was crying. She said, "I could not help but cry after meeting with Chinese practitioners. We always carry with us the super-mini size articles printed by us. These are for Chinese practitioners in case we meet them. But after they took the package, they often thought about our own well-being. They wanted to reimburse us with some money. I tried my best to hold back my tears, firmly declined and thanked them with both hands Heshi. In the evening we had a chance to exchange experiences with them at the hotel and they told us many seldom-heard but touching stories. They had no intention to brag about anything. But it is dangerous once others know about them." With those words and exciting feeling, she could not hold her tears any more.

Scene 8: The child that wanted to read Dafa books

--"Mom, mom, could you see? 'Falun-Da-Fa-Is-Righteous."

--"Not so loud. Told you not to watch. Hurry up and let's go."

--"No, mom, I wanted to see. I saw Falun.--"

--"Are you listening to mother or not, you naughty child. Hurry up and let's go."

--"Wait, mom, it says here it is free."

--"Don't take it even if it is free! Did you hear me, don't take that book! (pointing to the 'Zhuan Falun' on the shelf.)"

--The child resolutely opened the book and finished reading the "LunYu" before putting the book back on the shelf and crying.

Scene 9: The Indian family who wished to pray for Dafa practitioner

I was just crying because some Chinese who did not know the truth tore the flyers. A small Indian girl walked to me and touched my face with her little hand. Her large pure and innocent eyes blinked at me and comforted me. Her mom, holding another baby, also came to me and spoke to me in English, "Poor girl, why are you so sad in front of the temple of gods?" I replied while still weeping, "Many kind people were killed in China, yet those who encouraged the killers were the state government itself. They do not believe in god, but only in power." After viewing the picture board about the persecution, she said with grief, "The Chinese government is truly one of hoodlums. I will go back and pray to heaven for you."



The journey of Fa-rectification is still on going. During our past experiences, we had also met with interference and disruption. All were avoided with the wisdom and righteous thoughts of Dafa practitioners. The importance of sending forth righteous-thoughts must never be underestimated.

I have another minor personal experience that I like to share with my fellow practitioners. I felt that everything must be treated from the perspective of cultivation. Not only clarifying truth is cultivation, but also how to properly develop and establish the environment, as well as how to keep it flourishing with time is an even more demanding cultivation. At the same time, as practitioners of the righteous Fa, we must treat anyone not undermining the Fa with compassion. We must also be considerate for others at all times, especially respect other ethnic religions. Regardless, we must respect others with courtesy since they provided us with this excellent environment to clarify the truth out of their compassion. Let us be more considerate with other people's point of view. Let us become more mature in the Fa-rectification.