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Accounts of Retribution from Various Parts of China

March 08, 2002 |  


Han Guangqing, head of the Political and Security Section of the Public Security Bureau of Baoqing County, Heilongjiang Province, had a car accident that resulted in a bone fracture. He had been involved in the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners for two whole years. A practitioner once warned him, "You beat Dafa practitioners like this, aren't you afraid of going to hell?" Han, however, showed no sign of repentance, saying, "I am already in hell." Then he died suddenly, just before the Spring Festival.

Wu Li, deputy head of the Political and Security Section of the Public Security Bureau of Baoqin County, Heilongjiang Province, extorted money from family members of Dafa practitioners. She was in a car accident and fractured both of her collarbones. She was seated between other people who remained unharmed.

Li Yuan is the vice general secretary of the XX Party of Xing County, Heilongjiang Province. Since he has been assigned the duty of suppressing Falun Gong, he has been infected with various diseases requiring hospitalization several times.

Both Feng Guang, head of the Beijiao police substation of Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province, and his father were hostile towards Falun Dafa. In July 2001, they reported and arrested Falun Dafa practitioners. On September 15, 2001, the father was stabbed to death.

Yang Zhongwen, deputy head of the Political and Security Section of the Public Security Bureau of Taihe District, Jinzhou City, Liaonin Province, has been actively involved in persecuting Dafa practitioners. Before the Spring Festival of 2002, his father fell down and fractured a bone.

Pei Yuncheng, a policeman at the Public Security Bureau Department of Daqing Petro-Chemical Company, often went out by himself to search for Falun Gong practice sites. He arrested Dafa practitioners who distributed truth-telling materials, monitored the actions of Dafa practitioners, and slandered Dafa and Master Li. On February 18, 2002, he was suddenly stricken by a cerebral hemorrhage and fell unconscious. He died on February 26th after all rescue measures failed.

Liu Chao, head of the Caiyuanzi Town police substation of Dehui City, Jilin Province, illegally detained and imposed fines on several Dafa practitioners. In addition he often physically punished Dafa practitioners. On the evening of February 28, 2002, as he and three other officers were attempting to arrest some gamblers, he was stabbed in the chest and back with a spear by one of the suspects and was seriously wounded.

Chen Jiajun, head of the Gaopin Town police substation, and another top official of the police substation with the family name of Ma, illegally arrested and beat Dafa practitioners and extorted money from them. They stripped practitioners of their clothes on winter days, poured cold water on their bodies, and forced practitioners into cold water. This February, when Chen and Ma were again on their way to arrest Dafa practitioners, they were in a major car accident. The car was destroyed, and they were both seriously injured. They are still hospitalized, requiring injections and oxygen and other treatment.

Fangqiang Forced Labor Camp and Judong Forced Labor Camp, both in Jiangsu Province, cruelly persecute Dafa practitioners and the persecution is escalating. Zhang Wenhua, head of the Department of Reeducation through Labor of Jiangsu Province, was the primary instigator and executor of the persecution. Recently, Zhang was sued by the Procuratorate [a special legal system in China created to monitor and prosecute state employees and Party members] of Nanjin City and put into jail because of his involvement in accepting bribes, graft, embezzlement, and possessing guns and ammunition.