On the evening of February 28, Australian practitioners held a Falun Dafa Chinese New Years Celebration to thank the Chinese and Western communities for their support of Falun Gong and to let more people know about Falun Gong. The celebration was held in a restaurant in Sydney.
Practitioners performing
Over 100 honored guests attended the celebration including executive director of the United Nation Association of Australia, Newfoundland provincial government officials, mayor, city councilors, attorneys, professors, artists, businessmen, news agencies, Australia Day Council members, Rotary Club representatives and NGOs. They had dinner with 300 practitioners. While enjoying Chinese southern-style cuisine, they also watched cultural performances by practitioners.
MPs giving speeches
During the dinner party, several guests made speeches praising Falun Gong and Falun Dafa practitioners' unselfish contributions to community and condemning Jiang's regime's persecution of Falun Gong.
Mr. Jordan, Executive Director UNAA NSW (United Nations Association of Australia) said, "All spiritual societies whatever their beliefs may be, deserve the respect that comes from being individually recognized as a spiritual practice that is willingly chosen by the people as their way of life. ... The contributions made by these people help all of us apply the global laws of humanity to a local situation. The future we have now is determined by what we do at this very moment." "Our government needs to develop its policy not on the way we ourselves feel threatened, but on the way we can help those who are threatened." He added.
City councilwoman Emma Brooks demonstrated the importance of upholding justice and clarifying truth with her own personal experience from her young age. She said, "The authority or people in power may not know the truth, you have to seek the truth from the people around you to find unbiased and objective answers." She said she firmly believed justice and truth could never be covered. "If I did not speak out, who will be? If you do not tell the truth of Falun Gong, could you expect others will? Here I reemphasize my support to you forever, just like today I stand with you together."
MLC Mr. Jones pointed out, "If the Chinese government attempts to eliminate tens of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in Australia and China, then their attempts are futile, just like they want to eradicate Christians. If there are any spies sent by Chinese government in this room, I would tell them beliefs based on Truth-Compassion-Tolerance never fail. It has been proven over 2500 years' of history, Falun Dafa is especially the case."
Coordinator of AUSTRALIA DAY COUNCIL Ms. Emma Clark was astonished at practitioners' efficiency in preparing such successful programs in very short time and hoped to support the activities practitioners are going to organize in the future.
Councilor David Borger wished practitioners "Even more beautiful, Good health" in Chinese. He said the Chinese community in his district has become the biggest community. He enjoyed the party very much and was very proud of the multicultural coexistence in the community.
Councilor Tom Peacock extended greetings on behalf of Senator Andrew Bartlett and Chairman of the Democratic party of South Wales. He reemphasized the Democratic Party's support of Falun Gong. He said, "Democratic Party will stand by you to stop this persecution until all the people of the world could freely choose and practice their beliefs. No matter in the past or future, Australia needs cultural diversity and social harmony like brothers and sisters. On behalf of the Democratic Party I wish to take the opportunity to wish Falun Gong a good Year of the Horse and hope China stops the persecution at once."
The host of the party also read congratulation letters from Australian Prime Minister, Federal government, Province and local government. Australian Falun Dafa Association awarded framed appreciations and presents to 12 guests that have been giving their support to Falun Gong over the years. The celebration concluded at 10:30 pm.