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Summary of Other Articles and News - 03/04/2002

March 07, 2002 |  


Breaking the Information Blockade to Clarify the Truth and Save the World's People

One day, in front of a Provincial Agricultural Science Academy, a man who looked like a begger was eloquently speaking to a large group of people. He was commenting on state affairs, but was confused about Falun Gong issues. I made use of this opportunity to clarify the truth. The listeners were dumbstruck. Some of them showed their agreement with what I said. The beggar shouted with excitement by patting his own head: "Bravo! It is exactly as you've said. I've finally found the answers."

People's Reactions

Jiang again gave the game away during his fabrications. He is slapping his own face. On January 23, 2002, the "Focus" TV Program was again spreading surprising rumors: They said that the Falun Gong headquarters was sending people to investigate the truth of the staged-immolation incident through using the Minghui Net [the counterpart of Clearwisdom.net in Chinese.] This lie has an obvious logical error: If the staged-immolation was set up by Falun Gong, the Falun Gong headquarters would not send people to investigate the cause and effect of the incident. If the Falun Gong headquarters needed to investigate the truth of the incident, the staged-immolation could by no means have been set up by Falun Gong.

Latest News From China

Today, 134 people published their solemn announcements, expressing their deep regret for having said and done things under the evil's forced brainwashing and high-pressure persecution that don't conform to Dafa, all of which they now claim are completely void. From now on, they will double their efforts to make up the loss they caused to Dafa, resist the evil, suffocate the evil, clarify the truth to people, keep up with Teacher's Fa rectification process and fulfill their vows.

Mr. Guo, a veteran "second degree" disabled soldier who did great service to his country had three times been received for an audience by Mao Zedong [former President of China] and other government officials. His health was restored after practicing Dafa and he became energetic. However, China's ruling dictator and his criminal group ransacked his home and harassed him.

Cultivation Stories

Falun Gong practitioners from Taiwan: Aunt Cai had been learning all kinds of Qigong since 1971. In 1978, after she learned a form of Qigong, she was able to "treat" other people's diseases. However, she developed a strange disease on her back. On January 3, 2002, Aunt Cai heard about Falun Gong. After cultivation in Dafa, her body was purified as Teacher said in Zhuan Falun, and the disease on her back disappeared. She even felt lighter and found it easier to walk up the stairs.

After enlightening along an evil path in cultivation, a practitioner woke up and went to appeal in Beijing again. On January 2, 2002 [Chinese Lunar Calendar], the practitioner directly headed toward Tiananmen Square and distributed truth-clarifying materials there. She also pasted two truth-clarifying pictures and spoke out from the bottom of her heart, "Falun Dafa is good! Falun Dafa is a righteous cultivation way!" Beijing police officers tortured the practitioner ferociously with numerous methods. Once, they covered up her eyes and held her body still, wrapped electric wire around her ankles and shocked her. While being transferred to another location, the practitioner was able to escape with righteous thoughts.

A paralyzed young man in his twenties learned Falun Gong while confined to his bed. After practicing, he was able to walk. His parents also practiced Dafa, but they were arrested and jailed in a labor camp. Although it is inconvenient for him to travel, he takes hardship as happiness, and bravely smiles to face great difficulties. He went to Beijing to rectify the Fa, to the best of his ability. At his window, and on the outer wall of the balcony, he posted slogans, such as " Stop persecuting Falun Gong" and so on, which frightened those who maintain evil thoughts about Dafa.