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Immediate Retribution Warns and Awakens Human Beings

March 29, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) The director of a certain village security committee in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province often tears down Dafa materials. Now, one of his eyes has become blind and another one is gradually losing its function as well. However, after hearing the truth of Falun Gong he said, "I truly received immediate retribution. See, my eyes are blind. Now, I really believe in Dafa."

Cheng Yongzhan was 48 years old and was the head of the City Management Office in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province. Cheng suddenly died of heart disease in late February 2002. He was infamous for committing all kinds of bad deeds. He often assisted the police in arresting practitioners and ransacking their homes.

Liu Dechun, Zhang Shuhua and Zhao Zhenwei were secretaries of the First Rice Storage Unit in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province. They are the main people responsible for persecuting Dafa practitioners there. Recently, all three of them received immediate retribution. Liu's feet were burnt when he slept on a warm bed (the beds in northern China have burning charcoal underneath to keep them warm in winter). He had to rest up for more than one month. Zhang was beaten up at home by some unidentified people and had to stay in bed for half a month. Zhao wrenched his feet when taking the stairs. On the way to the hospital, he hurt his feet again twice.

Duan Huijuan is head of police in the Xindian Female Labor Camp in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province. When she beat practitioners with electric batons, she instead hit herself and suffered from a comminuted fracture [i.e. the bone was shattered].

Wang Ailing is one of the team leaders in the Xindian Female Labor Camp in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province. Her 9-year-old daughter has responsive blood disease (it is said it is leukemia). The 5-year-old son of an evil policeman, Liu Zhongmei, also has a bizarre disease. He repeatedly suffers from seizures, which cause him to be hospitalized. It is true that bad deeds committed by the parents affect their children.

In the Xindian Female Labor Camp in Taiyuan City, officers incited the inmates to torture practitioners so as to have their terms shortened. One inmate was released ahead of time because he tortured practitioners. However, he only enjoyed 12 days of freedom before he was thrown back in jail again. Another inmate beat a practitioner. The next day she had a miscarriage.

(From http://minghui.cc/mh/articles/2002/3/22/27071.html, http://minghui.cc/mh/articles/2002/3/22/27083.html)