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An Imprisoned Practitioner's Letter to His Wife

March 24, 2002 |  


Dear A-Lan,

How are you? After two years in the dark prison, I was so happy to see you and our child.

These two years have been too hard for you. You need to take care of both our old parents and our little child. I hope you will take good care of yourself now. Please don't worry too much about me, nor spend too much money on me. Nowadays, everybody works too hard. It is not easy to earn money at all. If I seek for my own comfort and cause everybody else to suffer, how could I qualify as a Dafa practitioner? I have endured for two years. Am I afraid of enduring for two more years?! Aren't there dozens of other practitioners who are still suffering imprisonment in the detention center? Steel is forged, and true gold is tempered by raging fire. Please don't worry about me. I will only be stronger after the tribulation. The diamond-like strength created by Dafa practitioners' true and righteous thoughts is indestructible. Of course we will never accept the persecution and illegal detention. We will break through it using our righteous thoughts.

I fully understand the affection you have for me. For practitioners, it is not bad at all to endure some hardships. Besides, the environment in the detention center has been harmonized by Dafa practitioners' benevolent righteous thoughts. Although the evil is still there, the environment is not as bad as before. Dafa practitioners are creating a very good environment. For example, the cell captain doesn't stop us if we study the Fa or practice in the cell. This environment was created by the practitioners who have lost their lives and the many others under detention who have been subjected to the persecution. During this process, Dafa practitioners' righteous thoughts, righteous belief and righteous enlightenment have been nurtured and strengthened.

The evil has not been completely eradicated. Wherever we are, we still need to harmonize well our environment and protect the Fa together. Let's clarify the truth better and expose the evil better. Let's behave ourselves properly and walk well the last part of the Fa-Rectification journey together. The process of Dafa practitioners' truth clarification is the process of saving sentient beings and is also the process of establishing mighty virtue for the Fa.

Take care,

March 15th, 2002