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March 21, 2002 |   Andrea Lanthier

March 14, 2002

After feeling China's persecution of the Falun Gong first-hand, Zenon Dolnyckyj returned to Canada with a purpose.

Dolnyckyj is one of 50 Falun Gong practitioners holding a 36-hour hunger strike in front of Parliament Hill.

The contingent handed a letter over to the Prime Minister's Office demanding that the Canadian government discuss Chinese persecution at the United Nations Human Rights Convention in Geneva next week.

"This isn't a rash decision, we've been peacefully appealing for two--and-half years. This is just so I can use any means at my disposal to show the seriousness of the situation," Dolnyckyj said. "Canada is a leader in human rights. It's our responsibility to stand up and speak out."

Beaten in China

Although he is a Toronto resident, Dolnyckyj was beaten and detained in China last year while practicing Falun Gong in China's Tiananmen Square to protest the treatment of practitioners there.

Since his experience, Dolnyckyj said the urgency of the situation has increased. Internet reports, he said, have said the Chinese government have been told to "shoot to kill."

"This is a very drastic and dangerous change," he said.

The protesters slept outside on Parliament Hill last night and will wrap up this evening.