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Summary of Other Articles and News - 03/16/2002

March 19, 2002 |  

News from China

One hundred and forty-four practitioners issued their solemn declarations that everything they did and said that was unfit for a Falun Dafa practitioner while under the tremendous pressure, torture and brainwashing is invalid. They will make up for the damage done, clarify the truth to people and catch up with Master Li's Fa-rectification process.

A Story of Good Meeting with Good: a practitioner's son from Chongqing City, Sichuan Province slid down a cliff 6-7 meters high when he was driving to visit relatives. The six people that were in the car did not suffer any injuries. The mother-in-law of the son said, "You are so lucky. It must be because of your Mom, who practices Falun Gong." This is really a case of when one practices Falun Gong, everybody in the family benefits.

Between November 1999 and January 2002, 7 practitioners have been sentenced illegally for up to 8 years in prison in Benxi City, Liaoning Province. Hundreds have been sent to forced labor camps for 1 to 3 years, and thousands have been illegally detained for 7-15 days.

Some of the 63 perpetrators who persecute Falun Dafa practitioners in Changchun City, Jilin Province include Mi Fengjun, President of the city's People's Congress; Li Shu, Mayor; Zhao Jianhua, Section Head of Jilin Province Public Security Department and leader of the local 610 Office [an agency specially created to persecute Falun Gong with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.]

Exchange Among Practitioners

Practitioners from Changchun City, please send forth righteous thoughts to stop the persecution by the evil forces. Recently, local police have been searching door to door for practitioners, which resulted in some practitioners being arrested. As we do not cooperate with them, we are denying the arrangements of the evil force. If the police find it difficult to arrest practitioners, they will become more and more reluctant to do it, which will reduce the likelihood of the evil succeeding. It's also a manifestation of mercy to these beings and at the same, it helps to suffocate evil and reduce the persecution. While we make sure that we do not have the attachment to fear, the human side should still try to avoid being arrested. This is not about fear in your own cultivation. It's about safeguarding Dafa and rectifying Dafa.

Views and Perspectives

An overseas Chinese citizen wrote an open letter to a representative of the People's Congress of Guangdong Province stating that the overseas Chinese were shocked and disappointed by the way the Chinese government handles Falun Gong issues. "You are supposed to represent the interests of the people. During the Congress's session, we hope to clarify the truth of Falun Gong to the authorities. We suggest that the justice department conduct an independent and fair investigation of Falun Gong in the spirit of the Constitution and follow the relevant legal procedures."