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Persecution by Government and Police in Jiaoxi Town, Jiaozhou City, Qingdao, Shandong Province

March 13, 2002 |  


  1. On October 2000, Yang Xiaolei, who is Jiaoxi Town's Party vice secretary and Political and Judiciary Committee secretary, arrested 9 practitioners and beat them up. After drinking, he often beat up practitioners and kicked them in the face with his boots to force them to give up Falun Gong. In December 2000, Yang beat practitioners in turn. A practitioner's eyes bled from his kicks.
  2. One night in June 2001, the police of Jiaoxi Town Police Station forced entry into a practitioner's home. Police took 1,200 Yuan [the average monthly income of an urban area is about 500 Yuan], a motorcycle and other property from the family. The practitioner was illegally detained for 102 days.
  3. In June 2001, practitioner Li Qing (female, 22) was arrested. Because she didn't co-operate with the evil persecution, refusing to give up Falun Gong. Song, a staff member of the 610 Office, shoved a burning cigarette into her nose and foul-smelling socks into her mouth.
  4. On July 2001, Wang Liang, from Chengxi Police Station and a former Jiaozhou 610 Office staff member beat up several practitioners. He hung Li Xue and Wang Qun (about 18 years old) from a high window frame.

Practitioners Li Xue, Wang Qun and Chen Renqiao (19 years old) were illegally sentenced to forced labor camp terms. They were jailed in Wangcun Forced Labor Camp, Zibo City, Shandong Province.

Yang Xiaolei has moved to another job at another place.


This story will be followed up with further reporting.

Jiaoxi Town telephone numbers:

Party Committee: 86-532-5200012

Government: 86-532-5200016

Police Station: 86-532-5200025

Discipline Checking Committee: 86-532-5200967