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Indonesian Practitioners Hold Sit-in Appeal in Front of Chinese Embassy on March 4

March 12, 2002 |  

[Clearwisdom Net] (Jakarta, Indonesia). On the morning of March 4, dozens of Dafa practitioners gathered outside the Chinese Embassy to hold a peaceful appeal, displaying photos of Mainland practitioners being brutally tortured. The appeal lasted from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Practitioners appeal in front of Chinese Embassy for the first time, TV and newspaper media conduct interviews on site Acting according to Teacher's words, practitioners study the Fa, send forth righteous thoughts, and clarify the truth
Praising it continuously, people are amazed by the peaceful scene of Fa-study and meditation General public and media observe the photos of brutally tortured practitioners inside China while practitioners send forth righteous thoughts

Since it was the first time that practitioners sat in appeal in front of the Chinese Embassy, media including TV and newspapers conducted interviews on site, the activity also attracted the attention of the general public.

The activity was within Indonesia's laws and complied with the regulations set forth by police. Throughout the appeal, Embassy officials attempted many times to sabotage the activity. Two Embassy officials came with armed police trying to stop the appeal. After reading the regulations carefully, the police realized that they could not make any change. Knowing that appeal couldn't be stopped, one embassy official started cursing violently. He ordered a practitioner who is an Indonesia citizen, "Go away immediately! Your permit is revoked. How dare you remain sitting here!" "Think about who you are, daring to fight against the Chinese government!" An elderly Indonesian citizen replied calmly, "We are Indonesian citizens, and you have no right to interfere with the affairs of Indonesian citizens. Remember, good will be rewarded with good and evil will be met with evil."

Despite the high pressure from Indonesian police, who were heavily influenced by Chinese embassy, the practitioners firmly upheld truth and justice.