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Falun Dafa Practitioners in Longquan, Sichuan Province Suffer Illegal Detention and Persecution

March 10, 2002 |  


Wang Xueming, 30-year-old author and teacher, has been illegally detained at the Longquan Detention Center for a long time. A graduate of Sichuan Normal University with a major in Chinese Language, Wang earned a Master's degree in education from the Southwestern Normal University and taught at the Damian Middle School. He is a member of the Sichuan Writers' Union and on the council of the Longquan Writers' Union. He has authored several books and one collection of his own articles on education. He has published more than 100 articles, poems, and verse in numerous journals. Several of his articles about education have won awards. At the end of 1999 he was arrested because he persisted in the practice of Falun Dafa and had gone to Beijing to appeal. He was illegally detained at the Longquan Detention Center in Chengdu City for more than a month. His school was fined 10,000 yuan, which he was later required to pay. (Yuan, Chinese currency, the average monthly income of an urban worker is 500 Yuan.) He was fined an additional 5,000-yuan upon his release and was forced to pay 200 yuan for his detention living expenses. In March of 2000, the Longquan Educational Department fired him and since that time he has been closely monitored. On the evening of December 12, 2001, he was illegally arrested from home for the second time. His home was searched twice, and all the cash and a computer were taken away. He was detained at the Longquan Detention Center, where he was forced to take cold showers, endured forced-feeding, and was beaten on the buttocks with a thick water pipe. As of February 2002, he was still in detention.

Cheng Zhan, a 33-year-old university graduate, was an employee of the Longquan Agricultural Bank. In December 1999, he went to Beijing to tell the government the truth about Falun Gong and was arrested. He was then detained at the Longquan Detention Center. His work unit was fined 10,000 yuan at the time of his arrest and 5,000 yuan upon his release. In June 2000, he was arrested again because of his insistence in practicing Falun Dafa and was fired by the bank. Later, he was sent to Dayan Forced Labor Camp in Ziyang City for a one-year forced re-education through labor. He was released at the end of July 2001 but was kept under surveillance. He continued to practice Falun Dafa. On the evening of December 12, 2001, he was, for the third time, arrested and illegally detained at the Longquan Detention Center. He is still in detention as of today.

Lin Mei, 33 years old, is a university graduate employed at the Longquan Telecommunication Bureau. She is a good employee in her work unit and well regarded. At the end of December 1999, she was illegally detained for two weeks and fined 3,000 yuan because she insisted on practicing Falun Gong. After her release, she was treated unfairly by her work unit. Each month she was paid only a minimum living wage. During holidays she was forced to work extra shifts. Because she would not cooperate with this persecution and continued to take every opportunity to validate the Fa, she was arrested again and illegally detained at the Longquan Detention Center on the evening of December 12, 2001. Her 3-year-old child and a nearly 60-year-old relative are left without her support.

Zhu Min, a retired teacher from the Jiepai Primary School of Longquan City, insists on practicing Falun Dafa and does not compromise with the evil forces. On the evening of December 12, 2001, she was illegally removed from her home and detained at the Longquan Detention Center, where she is still in custody.

The four individuals above are all members of one family. Since the end of 1999, their home has been searched many times. The only ones now left at home are a 3-year old child and an elderly relative. Their living conditions are very meager.

Deng Hongchao, 37 years old, and his wife Wang Xuefang, 33, are residents of Bazhong, Sichuan Province, where they run a small family business. On the evening of December 12, 2001, they were arrested at home and continue to be detained at the Longquan Detention Center. Their daughter, who is only a primary school pupil, is left at home with no one to take care of her.

Yuan Xuefen, 38 years old, is a resident of Nanchong City, Sichuan Province. She is self-employed and operates a barbershop at Luodai Town, Longquan City. In July 2000, she was arrested because she went to Beijing to appeal. She was sent to the Huairou County Detention Center in Beijing. She declined to tell her name and address and was released after one week. During her detention in Beijing, however, her barbershop was confiscated and her home was searched several times. When she returned to Luodai she was illegally detained by the Luodai police substation for two days. On December 28, 2001, she was again arrested at home and illegally detained at the Longquan Detention Center for two weeks. Police then sent her from Luodai to her hometown of Nanchong. The Nanchong local government did not allow her to stay, however, so she was returned to Luodai. She resumed her own business but was put under surveillance.

Yuan Bin is a 36-year-old teacher at Luodai Middle School. In July 2000 he was arrested because he kept practicing Dafa and had gone to Beijing to appeal. He was detained at the police substation of Chaoyang District, Beijing, and was mistreated. He was sent back to the police substation of Luodai and detained there for two days before being sent to the Longquan Detention Center for 40 days of illegal detention. He was also fined 5,000 yuan. In January 2001, he was arrested and once again detained at the police substation of Luodai for two days and then sent to the Longquan Detention Center. This time the detention center sent him to the Xinhua Forced Labor Camp of Mianyang City for a one-year forced re-education through labor. In January 2002, he was released but remains under surveillance at his work unit.

Zhang Yusu, 20 years old, is a resident of Yilong City, Sichuan Province. She worked in Longquan Town after she graduated from a professional school. On the evening of December 12, 2001, just because she insisted on practicing Falun Dafa, she was arrested while walking down the street. Since then she has been detained at the Longquan Detention Center.

Ding Shuqing, 46, is a resident of Longquan Township. In July 2000, because Falun Dafa was being slandered, she went to Beijing to appeal. She was arrested and detained at the Liaison Office of Sichuan in Beijing. Three days later she was returned to the police substation in Luodai. Police searched her illegally and took 300 yuan from her. She was then detained at the Longquan Detention Center for more than 40 days. While she was in custody, her vineyard that measures about a quarter acre was sold by scoundrels who pocketed the 4,000-yuan profit. She kept practicing Dafa and refused to accept anything from the evil forces. On December 28, 2001, she was again arrested, this time at home, and detained at the Longquan Detention Center. She was released after 15 days' detention but is still under surveillance.

Huang Yan, over 30, was a teacher at Damian Middle School. In December 1999 he was illegally arrested because he went to Beijing to appeal. He was sent home and detained at the Longquan Detention Center for more than a month. His school was fined 10,000 yuan, which he was forced to pay. When he was released, he was fined another 5,000 yuan. In March 2000, the Educational Department of Longquan fired him. His wife divorced him and left him with their 6-year-old daughter. He now makes a living by doing non-teaching duties at the Damian Middle School. However, he is frequently harassed, and his actions are restricted.

There are many other practitioners who are being oppressed. On December 31, 2001, He Youming, a teacher at Xihe Middle School, was forced to leave home but was arrested on February 2, 2002. He is now detained at the Longquan Detention Center. Zhou Tianju and Xie Hongming, both of Luodai Town, now move from place to place, homeless. Ai Chaoyu, Wang Qingfa, and others of Longquan Township, as well as Shi Lanfang (female) of 062 Aerospace Center are all suffering persecution, either in forced labor camps or in detention centers. Their homes have all been ransacked by the police.