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Persecution Against Dafa Practitioners in Hubei Province's Jingmen City (Partial Account)

February 06, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Since July 22, 1999, when China's ruling dictator began the nation-wide persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, he and his cohorts have cruelly tormented all the practitioners. In the small city of Jingmen, Hubei Province alone, with a population of about 200,000 people, over 300 practitioners were illegally detained not once, but several times. 42 practitioners were illegally sent to a forced labor camp. One was unlawfully sentenced and over 100 families had their homes ransacked. With help from the police department and some workplaces, the government-sanctioned "610 Office" [An agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] has set up three brainwashing class where practitioners were deprived of their personal freedom. During these classes, 85 persons were forcibly brainwashed. One practitioner was held over three months. Practitioners were isolated and tortured in a prison-like, militiaman-training center. The brainwashing classes held by each work unit were countless. The number of people who were forced to attend is huge. Personnel from the criminal "610 Office" and the police department forced over 2,000 persons to write and sign the "guarantee statement," to give up practice with the contemptible means of forcing them to come off duty, suspend their salaries, fire them, or sending them to jail. Tens of thousands of people were forced to sign their names on the scrolls against Falun Gong and to watch the fabricated photo exhibition. Even primary school pupils were not exempt.

1. Practitioners who were secretly sentenced without due process of law:

Meng Xianglong, male, 36-year-old, holding a bachelor's degree, was a former official of Jingmen City's Tax Bureau. He was secretly and illegally sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment for exposing the police officer who had insulted a female Falun Gong practitioner. Now he is suffering abuse in Shayang Fanjiatai Jail.

2. Practitioners who were secretly and unlawfully sent to a forced labor camp:

Ci Baosheng, male, 47 years old, former deputy director of Yuelianghu Police Station, Police Section of Jingmen City Petrochemical Factory, was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor due to appealing for Falun Gong.

Peng Yaxin, male, 29-year-old, an employee of Jingmen City Petrochemical Factory, was sent to Shayang for 2 years of forced labor because he practiced Falun Gong and went to appeal in September 1999. After his detention term expired, he was escorted to the brainwashing class in the militiaman-training center and was forcibly brainwashed over 3 months. He is monitored around the clock and totally lost his personal freedom.

Fei Hong, male, 28-year-old, an employee of Jingmen City Petrochemical Factory, was illegally sent to Shayang for 2 years of forced labor because he practiced Falun Gong and went to appeal in 1999. After his detention term expired, his work unit escorted him back in the factory hotel for further brainwashing.

Wang Weitao, male, 27 years old, an employee of Jingmen City Petrochemical Factory, was illegally sentenced for forced labor due to appealing for Falun Gong in 1999.

Cheng Hua, male, 27 years old, an employee of Jingmen City Petrochemical Factory, was illegally sentenced for forced labor for appealing for Falun Gong in 1999. He is now persecuted in the "strictly administered team" of Shayang Forced Labor Camp.

Shi Junsheng, male, 26 years old, an employee of Jingmen City Petrochemical Factory, was detained for appealing for Falun Gong, and was forcibly sent to the brainwashing class three times because he firmly practices Falun Gong. The third time in the brainwashing class he escaped from the militiaman-training center with righteous thoughts. Later, policemen arrested him again and sent him to Shayang for 3 years of forced labor when he clarified the truth in Duodao Development District.

Zhang Lanfeng, female, 36 years old, an employee of Jingmen City Petrochemical Factory, was detained for appealing for Falun Gong in 1999. During her third time in the brainwashing class, a lawless police officer named Sun Dehong abused and beat her. Afterwards she was injected with anesthetics medicine and was force-fed as she protested with a hunger strike. She almost lost her life, but she was still illegally sentenced to 1-1/2 years of forced labor after receiving emergency treatment at Refinery Factory hospital.

Zhang Yuhua, female, 36 years old, an employee of Jingmen City Petrochemical Factory, was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor for appealing for Falun Gong in 1999. In Shayang Forced Labor Camp, she was brutally beaten many times and her detention term was extended by six months without giving her a valid reason, due to her determination to Dafa.

Zheng Lianchun, female, a 45-year-old lecturer at the Training Center of Jingmen City Petrochemical Factory, was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor for appealing for Falun Gong.

Wan Qiuxia, female, 26 years old, an employee of Jingmen City Petrochemical Factory, was illegally sentenced to forced labor for appealing for Falun Gong. Afterwards, she was put into the brainwashing class in the Petrochemical Factory's hostel.

Li Yuling, female, 50 years old, former party secretary of Jingmen City Petrochemical Factory's Primary School, was illegally sent to Shayang Forced Labor Camp for appealing for Falun Gong.

Tu Hongjie, female, is a retired employee of Jingmen City Petrochemical Factory. She sustained a disabling work injury, and then practiced Falun Gong. Ms. Tu was illegally sent to Shayang Forced Labor Camp for appealing for Falun Gong.

Chen Qiji, male, 40 years old, a former lecturer of No. 1 Company of No.3 Bureau, was illegally detained three times for appealing for Falun Gong and spreading truth-clarifying materials. He was illegally sent to Shayang for two years of forced labor, and has been fired by his work unit.

Chen Qiyin, male, 36 years old, a former employee of No. 1 Company of No.3 Bureau, was detained twice for appealing for Falun Gong and clarifying the truth. He was sent to Shayang for one year of forced labor, and has been fired by his work unit.

Zhu Cuihua, female, 41 years old, a former employee of Electrical Bulb Factory, No. 1 Company of No. 3 Bureau, was illegally sent to Shayang for three years of forced labor for appealing for Falun Gong. She is now physically and mentally abused in the female "strictly administered team" and has been fired by her work unit.

Gong Yaru, female, a 51-year-old former chief of the Labor Union of the Administration Center, No. 1 Company, No. 3 Bureau, was sent to Shayang for one year of forced labor re-education for practicing and appealing for Falun Gong.

Chen Yanping, female, a 33-year-old former employee of No. 1 Company of No.3 Bureau, was illegally sent to Wuhan City Hewan Forced Labor Camp and is being physically and mentally abused for distributing truth-clarifying materials.

Liu Deyu, male, a 47-year-old former employee of the Epidemic Prevention Center, was sentenced for 3 years of forced labor for appealing for Falun Gong in Beijing twice. He suffers physical and mental persecution in Shayang Forced Labor Camp.

Long Ting (Wang Fan), male, 47 years old, a former employee of Dongguang Electric Factory, was confirmed as an "A class disabled person" for his injury sustained during work. He recovered from his injuries after practicing Falun Gong, but was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor for going to Beijing twice to appeal for Falun Gong. In June 2001, he was illegally sent to Shayang Forced Labor Camp, and was so brutally tortured that he could not even drink a drop of water. He was not sent to hospital until his pulse could not be measured, and then received emergency treatment in Jingmen City No.1 Hospital. At the end of July 2001, he was again sent to Shayang Forced Labor Camp for further physical and mental maltreatment.

Qiao Zuoquan, male, 36 years old, former deputy chairman of the City's No. 1 Clothing Factory, was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor for appealing and is now undergoing physical and mental trauma in the "strictly administered team" of Shayang Forced Labor Camp.

He Zhongmin, male, 33 years old, was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor for going to Beijing four times to appeal during July and December, 1999. He is now tortured in Shayang Forced Labor Camp.

Zhou Ping, female, 41 years old, a former accountant at the Wenfeng Industrial & Commercial Bank, was illegally sentenced to 1-1/2 years of forced labor for going to appeal for Falun Gong twice. She is now illegally detained in the female "strictly administrated team" of Shayang Forced Labor Camp, although her detention term has expired. She is now physically and mentally mistreated, and has been illegally fired by her work unit.

Zhou Li, female, 48 years old, a former accountant of China's Construction Bank, was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor re-education for appealing and clarifying the truth. She is now physically and mentally suffering in Shayang Forced Labor Camp.

Liu Cuilan, female, 41 years old, a small business owner, was sentenced to forced labor for going to appeal twice in 1999. She was illegally sent to Shayang Forced Labor Camp in May 2001 for physical and mental punishment due to clarifying the truth.

Chen Huijun, female, 37 years old, an employee of the Huishang Group, was sentenced for forced labor for practicing Falun Gong and going to appeal. In June 2001, she was then sent to Shayang Forced Labor Camp for physical and mental punishment.

Ji Yihua, female, over 50 years old, was sent to Shayang Forced Labor Camp due to clarifying the truth to people. She is being abused, both physically and mentally.

Li Qingxia, female, 38 years old, was sentenced to forced labor in October 1999 for practicing Falun Gong and going to appeal. She was first detained in Shayang, and then transferred to Wuhan City Shizishan Forced Labor Camp. After she was released, persons from Duodao District Police Department and the residential committee kidnapped her to the third term of the brainwashing class in September 2001, where an abusive policeman named Sun Dehong cursed and beat her. In the middle of December, four men grasped her hand to force her to fingerprint the "guarantee statement" [an announcement of giving up practicing Falun Gong]. She immediately issued a solemn declaration regarding the invalidity of the "guarantee statement" after she came out.

Wang Lingxiang, male, about 30 years old, an employee of Xiangsha Chemical Factory, was sent to Shayang Forced Labor Camp for the physical and mental punishment as he appealed for Falun Gong and refused to attend the brainwashing class.

Other practitioners who had been illegally sentenced to forced labor were: Li Daqin, Li Ling, Luo Changhua, Duan Wenhong, Duan Yulan, Wu Yindi, Shao Daicui, Huang Ruihua, Liu Shiying, Wei Shilan, Li Zhonglan and others totaling 42 persons. Each of them has been detained from one to three times.

3. Following are names of practitioners who have been illegally detained for appealing and clarifying the truth of Falun Gong:

Chen Mingfang, Yang Guiping, Liu Zuyue, Li Boping, Yang Benquan, He Aihua, Zhou Jihong, Hui Chunru, Huang Jinwu, Huang Yunxiu, Ma Lanfeng, Zhao Xinghua, Wang Kaisheng, Yuan Ping, Wang Yun, Ren Xiaoyu, Wang Yali, Chen Yilian, Liu Daohui, Liu Juxian, Sha Shengqi, Qin Xiubi, Chai Yuhua, Chen Guangju, Lu Jinxi, Su Kezhen, Li Hongwei, Liang Qiushi, Zhang Yuecui, Wang Danyang, Lu Keqing, Hu Qiyun, Li Honge, Gu Yongxin, Liu Yuxiu, Li Yanhua, He Chunxiang (now still detained in the detention center), Li Peiying, Lei Quanying, Liu Shaoyun, Liu Chun'ai, Long Jinmei, Chen Changping and many others.

All the above-named practitioners have been detained from one to three times. During the detention period, each practitioner was forced to pay 20-50 Yuan [500 Yuan is the average monthly income in urban China] for "daily expenses." The longest detention term was over four months.

List of criminals in Jingmen City:

Ma Quan'guo, deputy director of Jingmen City Police Department, was the former director of Dongbao District Police Department. He directed, ordered and participated in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. He led policemen to kick and beat practitioner Liang Qiushi, who refused to attend the second term of the brainwashing class. He ordered his fellow policemen to lock up Liang Qiushi in solitary confinement at Yuelianghu Detention Center for over 20 days.

Bi Xiangyin, director of the National Security Section of Dongbao District Police Department, has always taken bribes, perverted the law, visited a prostitute, gone gambling and taken opportunities to extort money. It was he who provided the case history of practitioners who were illegally detained, sent to forced labor or sentenced to imprisonment. He often instigates policemen to brutally beat practitioners and extort money from them.

Xu Yue, deputy director of the National Security Section of Dongbao District Police Department, assisted Bi Xiangyin in persecuting practitioners. In 1999, he beat, cuffed and hung up [practitioners' both hands are cuffed, both feet off or only toes touching the ground; one is hung onto the basketball support or the beam of the house with the handcuff. The hands and arms will soon become paralyzed and numb] and tied up many practitioners at Jingmen City Liaison Office in Beijing.

Sun, former deputy director of the Yuelianghu Police Department, had persecuted the former deputy director, practitioner Ci Baosheng and other practitioners in Jingmen City Petrochemical Factory.

Liu Zhengsong, director of the Administration Section of Jingmen City Supply and Marketing Center, actively participated in persecuting practitioners at his work unit, and also confiscated and burned Dafa books.

Liu Daoben, in charge of the third term of the brainwashing class, took the initiative to persecute practitioners and instigated his followers to inject narcotics into and then force-feed practitioners Liu Chun'ai, Zhang Lanfeng and others who protested with a hunger strike.

Sun Dehong, a hatchet man in the third term of the brainwashing class, has cursed, abused, kicked and beaten practitioners Zhang Lanfeng, Li Qingxia and others.