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Reflections on Our Peaceful Appeal at Tiananmen Square

February 03, 2002 |   By a Western practitioner

We took the decision to go to Tiananmen Square very seriously. We viewed it from many different angles, and seriously considered the various aspects before we made the practical decisions. We had wanted to go for a very long time, and knew deep in our hearts that we would. Last year we also tried to do this event, but the environment was extremely complicated and the timing was not right. This year the situation was completely different. I believe this is due to the efforts of each and every Dafa disciple to assist Master in Fa-rectification, by clarifying the truth, validating the Fa, and eliminating the evil. When I entered China a month ago I could feel the great difference in the environment. It was so much lighter, less heavy. Truly a great and massive change had taken place. Dafa particles worldwide have together created the environment that made this event successful, or even possible.

After the event, when we came back from China, many practitioners treated us like heroes; both Chinese and western practitioners responded with emotions in various ways. This is something that has concerned many of us because first of all we are Dafa particles. We are not heroes. If we are called heroes, then ALL Dafa disciples worldwide must be called the same.

Secondly, having seen other practitioners' emotional reactions, we are concerned that they might make hasty, irrational decisions. My understanding is that we each have different environments, which provide us with different opportunities and responsibilities. Of the people that I personally know in the group who went to Tiananmen, all have been involved in Fa-rectification activities in their home countries for a long time.

I would like to finish by quoting part of Teacher's article "Path:"

"The path each person is to take is different, because each person's foundation is different, the sizes of their various attachments are different, the characteristics of their beings are different, their jobs among everyday people are different, their family environments are different, and so on. These factors determine that each person's path of cultivation is different, that how they eliminate attachments is different, and that the sizes of their tests are different. Therefore, amidst the manifestations of things it's very hard to find a path that others have made, and it's even less possible for a person to get a ride down one."