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Master Li Instructed Taiwanese Falun Gong Practitioners Not to Go to Tiananmen Square

February 24, 2002 |  


Many Falun Gong practitioners in Taiwan planned to go to Tiananmen Square to clarify the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong to the world during the period of the Chinese New Year festival. However, before they left for Beijing, they received word from Master Li, saying, "The one hundred thousand Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioners should not go to Tiananmen Square."

The people who live on opposite sides of the Taiwan Strait live very differently. Those good people under the totalitarian regime in China don't have freedom of belief, freedom of assembly, freedom of democracy, freedom of news media, freedom of speech or basic human rights. This is especially true for the cruel persecution against the good, innocent Chinese Falun Gong practitioners. The crimes committed against Falun Gong practitioners are unnatural crimes and go against the heavenly principles.

However, the people who live in Taiwan can enjoy the freedom and rights that citizens of China can't enjoy. They are allowed to practice Falun Gong freely as can the citizens in the other 50-plus countries around the world. Despite the Jiang regime's repeated slander of Falun Gong, Taiwan's government has been able to observe Falun Gong for two years, as have the Western governments; and they have all found that Falun Gong is something very good. Falun Gong not only helps people to become healthier in terms of both body and mind but also guides people towards compassion and upgrades their morality. Falun Gong is something that is beneficial to the nation and to all individuals.

There are over one hundred thousand people in Taiwan who practice Falun Gong. People ask about the practice of Falun Gong everyday, and the government supports Falun Gong. The fact that the president, the vice president, the prime minister, the legislators, etc. all uphold Falun Gong in public brings immeasurable benefits to the citizens of Taiwan. Furthermore, during this winter vacation, the Municipal Bureau of education in every county and city government gave the teachers of Taiwan an official holiday and officially granted education credits to hold the Falun Gong Study and Practice Winter Camps For Teachers. In total, there were 18 Falun Gong Winter Camps in 12 counties and cities during the winter vacation. After attending the Falun Gong Winters Camps, thousands of school principals and teachers all felt that they had benefited greatly from practicing the five sets of Falun Gong exercises. After listening to the stories regarding the principles "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance," many mischievous students became good students. They also thought that Falun Gong ought to be introduced to all the citizens of Taiwan.

Some Taiwanese businessmen conduct business in Mainland China. They saw that the CCTV in China continuously defamed Falun Gong, which made them feel very curious about what Falun Gong really is. After coming back to Taiwan, they searched for Falun Gong. After practicing Falun Gong, they found that Master simply teaches people to cultivate their body and mind. They also realized that the practice of Falun Gong is so different from what was shown on CCTV. The Chinese government blocks all other news media, which enables them to deceive the citizens of China. If it weren't for Master's dissuasion, many of the one hundred thousand Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioners might have gone to Tiananmen Square to clarify the truth to the citizens of China and to the world, so that they would no longer be deceived by the Chinese government and not lose the chance to learn the practice of Falun Gong and improve themselves physically and mentally. The Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioners hope that the citizens of China and the world will awaken, and will no longer be deceived by Jiang's regime. Master is merciful and doesn't want to see the good Taiwanese practitioners be detained, hit, abused, and inhumanely brainwashed, so he forbade the Taiwanese practitioners from going to Tiananmen Square. Jiang's regime casts insults at Master, which are blatant lies. Though we have abandoned our plan to go to Tiananmen Square, we still sincerely hope that all of the citizens of China and the world will genuinely understand the truth of Falun Gong, and will no longer be tricked and deceived by Jiang's regime.

Taiwanese Falun Dafa practitioner
