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Firmly Believe in the Effectiveness of Righteous Thoughts

February 23, 2002 |   Taiwan Practitioner - Yijun

(Clearwisdom.net) The purer the righteous thoughts sent forth by a Dafa disciple, the more powerful their effect. My understanding, in a material (physical) sense, is that when the righteous thoughts become increasingly pure, the size of the gong particles sent out become increasingly microscopic. Thus, they carry a higher level of energy, which will have better results when eliminating the evil. At present, some old forces that are controlling those evil beings who persecute Dafa come from a very high level; thus, the particles that constitute their lives are very fine. Only when Dafa disciples send forth the purest righteous thoughts, which generate the finest and most powerful particles of gong, can we break through barriers and dimensions, and enter the more microscopic spaces (where the old forces are) to completely eliminate them.

In the article, "What are Supernormal Abilities," Teacher said,

"As for a cultivator, the higher the level he cultivates to, the greater his abilities. This is because the more levels of cosmos he breaks through, the less and lighter matter's weight on his being is, the stronger his innate abilities (supernormal abilities) are, and the greater the number and the more comprehensive are his abilities that are freed. ... A being's level is determined by his xinxing. That is, when you use supernormal abilities your righteous thoughts must be strong. Incorrect thoughts--such as fearing the evil, wavering in your thoughts when you use your supernormal abilities, or doubting whether they will work--can affect or interfere with the outcome of the supernormal abilities."

As for whether or not practitioners' righteous thoughts are effective, I have enlightened to two decisive factors. One factor is the level to which the practitioner has cultivated. The quicker we elevate our xinxing, the less attachments we will have, the higher our cultivation level will be, the smaller the particles of our righteous thoughts will be, and the more powerful will be the overall effect. Another factor, which is more important is the state of mind of a practitioner while sending forth righteous thoughts. The purer, the calmer and firmer our minds are, and the more rock solid our belief in the power of the righteous thoughts, the more capable we will be of generating the purest righteous thoughts. We must be able to fully utilize the power of the finest particles of gong that we have cultivated to thoroughly achieve the effect of eliminating the evil.

Some new practitioners often think, "I haven't cultivated for very long. Will my righteous thoughts have any effect?" Sometimes even the veteran practitioners have doubts about the effectiveness of their righteous thoughts. In Chapter One of Zhuan Falun, "Genuinely Guiding People Toward High Levels," Teacher said, "Right away you will practice cultivation at high levels." The fact is, regardless of whether or not we are new or veteran practitioners, as long as we genuinely cultivate Dafa, Teacher has already elevated us to a very high level--all of us are already cultivators carrying real Gong! In addition, Teacher has imparted to us the invaluable Fa-rectification verses. Therefore, the righteous thoughts sent forth by Dafa disciples will of course carry immense power. How could we still doubt the effectiveness of our righteous thoughts?

Another relatively common scenario is that, when faced with interference from the evil forces, some practitioners remembered to use righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil, but when no effect seemed observable at the human level, they stopped. In fact it is even more important to continuously send forth righteous thoughts in these circumstances. My perception is that possibly the evil force there was quite strong and sending forth righteous thoughts several times was not enough to completely eliminate all of the evil factors controlling behind the scenes. Manifested at the human level, it would appear that the situation did not improve. Yet, if we persist in using our purest and most powerful righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil factors behind the scene, the situation manifesting on the human side will experience a sudden turnaround! Of course, in such circumstances, it is also most important to look within to find our own attachments. When we do not let go of certain attachments, the evil will be able to find excuses to interfere with us, obstructing the progress of the Fa-rectification by Dafa disciples.

Sending forth righteous thoughts is an important duty for Dafa disciples in "assisting Teacher in the human realm." Let us revisit Teacher's article, "Dafa Disciples' Righteous Thoughts are Powerful" and the article from Clearwisdom Editors, "Regarding Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts." Let us firmly believe in the effect of righteous thoughts and generate the purest, the most resolute righteous thoughts. Let us truly fulfil our duty as Dafa disciples of assisting Teacher in Fa-rectification!