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Summary of Other Articles and News -- 02/17/02

February 20, 2002 |  


Media Reportsá

Central News Agency reported on February 16 in New York: Ninety four United States Congressmen wrote a letter to President Bush urging him to express his concern on the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners during his visit to China next week. The letter also called for the immediate release of illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners. á

Central News Agency reported on February 16 in Seoul: American Korean Falun Gong practitioner Jiang Douyuan revealed today in Seoul that he was preparing to do sitting meditation in Tiananmen Square together with hundreds of foreign practitioners on February 14. But a great number of police came and arrested them. After being interrogated for nearly one whole day without being provided any meals, he was expelled from China on February 15. á

Central News Agency reported on February 15 in New York: The western practitioners who appealed in Tiananmen Square have come back to their home countries one after another. Among them are six practitioners who transferred from Detroit to the LaGuardia Airport in New York. While being interviewed by the media, they all claimed they had been brutally treated by Chinese police officers. á

Summary of Mainland Chinaá

Today, one hundred and eighteen people solemnly declared that all their words and actions against Falun Dafa are completely invalid. They will be determined in practicing Falun Dafa, clarify the truth to people of the world and expose the evil in the future. They will redouble their efforts to compensate for the losses they caused to Dafa and become true Dafa particles.

Let's recognize crime under a hypocritical cover--Luquan City Brainwashing Center in Hebei Province--and not be deluded by it. Dafa practitioners, please send your most determined and pure righteous thoughts to completely eliminate all arrangements made by the old evil force and the evil that interferes with Dafa.

Li Chengbin, a vicious thug in Fufeng Town of Chaoyang District, Changchun City actively supports criminal Jiang's secret order on "sensitive days," when he gathers vicious police and jobless people to bang on people's doors and, like burglars, climb over people's walls and break into practitioners' homes. They threaten practitioners and interfere with their daily lives and extort money from them. Li Chengbin's telephone number: 431-5025896; his wife Bi Fengying's work unit phone number: 431-5034924.

Qi'an County Police Department and the "610 Office" kidnapped, brutally beat and illegally sentenced nearly a hundred practitioners to forced labor. They extorted and robbed hundreds of thousands of Yuan from practitioners, resulting in countless families' being broken up and even innocent people's deaths. Zhou Gui, the former director of the police department committed countless crimes and received retribution. He contracted leukemia and is waiting for death in pain; Zhang Lifeng, the Law section chief suffered a car accident that nearly took his life; the Politics and Security section officer, Yuan Ye and his son had a car accident and were in serious condition. Shao Yongmei is suffering pain all over her body and has been sent to the hospital.

The lawless predators in Guangxi Province closely followed Jiang in persecuting "Truth, Compassion, Tolerance"--the law of the cosmos. They kidnapped and brutally tortured Falun Gong practitioners and brought disaster upon the local people. At midnight of February 5, a large-scale explosion shook the downtown of Rong County. A three-story building was destroyed and at least seven people died. On February 7, an explosion [in a fireworks factory] took place in Shanglin County, resulting in the death of six teenage workers.

Falun Dafa around the World

Foreign Falun Gong practitioners talked about what they encountered in Beijing to VOA: Some female Falun Gong practitioners had been mistreated, about 80% of the practitioners had been violently beaten up in Tiananmen Square. The policemen continuously interrogated them for several hours and demanded that they sign some document written in Chinese. They refused. Practitioners requested to contact their consulate officials, but their requests were denied.

To express support to the western Falun Gong practitioners who went to Beijing to rectify the Fa, practitioners from Austria went to the Chinese embassy in Vienna on February 14 to hold an eight-hour appeal and to call for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong in China.

A big official Chinese New Year celebration was held in the Chinatown of Bangkok, Thailand. About several hundred thousands people attended the celebration. Thailand Falun Gong practitioners used this opportunity to spread the Fa and give out New Year's cards as well as Falun Gong introduction leaflets. Lots of people eagerly extended their hands to get the leaflets. Later, officials from the Chinese Consulate came to interfere with them.

In Salt Lake City, on the train to the park where practitioners were having a group practice, a lady eagerly wanted to learn more about Falun Gong. She has extreme admiration for those Chinese and western Falun Gong practitioners who are determined in their belief. In the snow, I sent forth righteous thoughts so that all passengers on vehicles passing by would look at our banners to learn the truth of Falun Gong. They indeed turned their heads and looked.

Cultivation stories

On April 11, 2000, we had been illegally detained for more than 40 days for practicing Falun Gong beside a field of crops. I became lame due to the torture I suffered and could not take care of myself. In November 2000, I was sent to a forced labor camp. I persisted in practicing Falun Gong and recited the Fa, but was violently beaten up. Both my hands were handcuffed together behind my back with one hand over my shoulder and the other hand against my lower back. This torture is the so-called "carrying a sword on the back." (For a detailed description for this and other forms of torture used in forced labor camps, see http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2001/11/24/16156.html)They forced me to do extremely heavy labor every day. I simply kept my "heart unaffected and was able to handle all situations"(paraphrased from "Eliminate Your Last Attachments"). One day, my family members suddenly came and took me home.

Before learning Dafa, I could often hear sound in my inner ear; even the weakest sound could not escape my ear. Thus I was oftentimes disturbed and could not sleep or work well. After I started to practice Dafa, my sensitivity to sound grew even stronger; however, I was able to read and work, and keep a peaceful mind. The insomnia that had annoyed me in the past totally disappeared from my life.

Two Little Stories from Eastern China

In September 2001, a female Dafa practitioner was kidnapped to the police station. While being illegally interrogated, she had only one thought in her mind: "I will not cooperate with the evil." The police handcuffed her to the bed. She kept sending forth righteous thoughts. By 10:00 p.m., three policemen who guarded her all fell asleep. She then pulled the handcuff off her wrists and walked out of the police station. She jumped three walls in a row and escaped from the evil's den.

On July 4, 2001, a male Dafa practitioner was arrested by the police who were hiding near his house. He was brutally beaten and was forced to admit that he had written an article published on Minghui Net to expose the evil in the local area. Upon learning the arrest of their son, his parents, also Dafa practitioners, went to the police station to send forth righteous thoughts, "If you do not release our son, we will just stay here. See who dares to beat our son." Fifteen days later, this practitioner was released unconditionally.

Fa-rectification Story

During the Spring Festival holidays, Dafa practitioners in Changchun City, Jilin Province painted "Falun Dafa is Good" on the walls of the Jilin Province Party Committee Building, and hung Dafa banners on both sides of the main streets, such as Renmin Street, Dajing Road, Dama Road, and Yatai Street. Using their wisdom bestowed by Dafa, practitioners went out to paint Dafa statements, and post and hang Dafa banners. With fireworks cracking, they sent Dafa materials to thousands of families as a special New Year's gift. [Note: Without access to any typical means of communication such as newspapers, magazines, TVáor radio, Falun Gong practitioners have resorted to many creative and sometimes unusual methods for raising awareness among Chinese people about the persecution.]