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A True Story: When I Cried, and So Did the Photocopier

February 11, 2002 |   A Mainland China Dafa Practitioner

(Clearwisdom.net) Tomorrow will be January 1st. I was forced to leave home and go from place to place, while my husband is in a labor camp and my child is with relatives. Practitioner A, who I was putting together Dafa material with this morning, told me that his wife and son would come back to celebrate the New Year. Another practitioner said that his whole family would get together tomorrow to celebrate. As I listened to them, I felt a little bit sad. In the afternoon, practitioner A started to complain at me for some petty things, and I couldn't help but feel depressed and stopped my photocopying. Imperceptibly I was being overtaken by sadness, a deviated element. I snuck into the washroom and started crying. The more I cried, the more I became homesick. When I thought about how practitioner A's wife was against her husband putting together material with me, an idea came to me, "Am I fit for this kind of job? Since I am away from home, it doesn't matter what I do. I can go anywhere to do what I am supposed to do." In fact, at that time, I was thinking about Fa rectification based on the notion of a human protecting another human. I was not looking inside, and evil took advantage of me. When I turned on the photocopier to finish printing the material for the day, something strange happened. What came out of the printer was clearly raindrop-shaped dots all over the paper. It seemed like this machine was crying, as if because I decided not to carry on with my work, she stopped working also. As a matter of fact, she had been overworked. I understood that if I couldn't look at things from the Fa's point of view and truly treat myself as a Fa rectification practitioner, everything with me would lower their level correspondingly. There won't be anything supernatural and sacred. I then calmed myself down, turned off the photocopier, and studied the Fa with a calm heart.

Through studying the Fa I kept looking inside my heart. I found that part of my thoughts deep down had gone along with the evil. The evil would then take advantage of every opportunity to weaken my determination. Fa rectification is solemn, and I shouldn't mix any human notions with such a sacred thing! After I realized this, I started eradicating the evil by using my righteous thoughts.

Practitioner A and I sent forth righteous thoughts towards the photocopier for about 20 minutes. Then we turned on the photocopier and started photocopying. It worked perfectly fine, printing both words and pictures.

"However strong the righteous thoughts are, that's how great the power is"(Also a Few Words). Fellow practitioners, let us strive forward and believe in our capabilities. Everything of ours is elevating within Fa-rectification, including everything around us.