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Zhang Cuiying Painting Exhibition in the Capital of Ukraine

February 01, 2002 |   By Zhang Cuiying


Part1: Terrific Russian Practitioners

After the painting exhibition for the Sydney Bushfire Relief Fund in Australia, three of us changed several flights and transferred through four countries, and finally arrived in Kiev, the Capital of Ukraine. We were there to hold a painting exhibition in a gallery in the center of the city to urgently rescue Falun Gong practitioners persecuted in China. The small exhibition caused quite a big sensation in Ukraine. Over 20 media agencies came to the opening ceremony. The gallery was not big enough for 7 big cameras from TV stations so the reporters had to put the cameras on their shoulders and they jostled each other to be the first to report on the persecution that Falun Gong practitioners had suffered.

Caption: Over 20 Media Agencies Striving to be the First to Report the Truth of the Persecution of Dafa Practitioners.

I explained in detail my tragic experience of being brutally tortured in jails, and I vigorously exposed the Jiang regime's inhuman and criminal nature. The journalists were filled with indignation, and many of them asked further details of my sufferings. The journalists stayed as long as 2 hours until they gradually left.

I looked at local practitioners with admiration and said, "You're so great! You must have done a lot." A practitioner said yes, that everyday they tried their best to invite friends of the media. As the local financial condition was limited, they had to go to shops to send e-mails, faxes, and make phone calls. While I was listening, tears filled my eyes and a sense of guilt suddenly arose from my heart. As a practitioner from the western developed nation of Australia, I felt ashamed that I did so poorly compared to the Russian practitioners.

I've been to Russia three times. In each city, the exhibition attracted huge crowds. Especially today, it was so crowded that the journalists could not even move. When I transferred flights in Moscow, practitioners from the local Dafa association came to help us at the airport and escorted us to the domestic flight. He handed me a 60,000 word novel, Zhang Cuiying's Path of Safeguarding Dafa. The practitioner said he had seen over 1190 pieces of news about me from the Internet. In order to stop and expose the evil, he wrote day after day, night after night my true story.

Russian practitioners have put each of their efforts together as a whole body, and they are really so great that they worked together to strive in every minute to clarify the truth of Dafa to the Russian people and rescue persecuted Falun Gong practitioners.

Part 2: Going to the President's House

I've been to Russia several times and it was always hard to see the sunshine. Every time, the snowflakes floated in the sky. At about 4:00 p.m. this afternoon, suddenly a golden sunshine spread over the land, and I felt something significant would happen. At this time a practitioner said, "Hurry up, go to the President's House." Six of us happily went to the President's House

We quietly waited in the reception room of the President's House. The receptionist kept making phone calls to contact relevant persons. Suddenly a gentleman came to us with a smile, and introduced himself to us that he was the special assistant to President Kuchma Leonld Danilovichr. I immediately gave him my card, and he welcomed us to the Ukraine with a smile while giving me his card. Then I took out my favorite work "Hema Drawing" and asked him to give it to President Kuchma Leonld Danilovichr for me as my present. Then I respectfully presented him with the Russian version of "Falun Gong" and hoped that Dafa would bring the Ukraine people a bright future. He appreciated the book we presented to him very much and took a picture with a smile with us to record this beautiful and happy moment. Finally, he wished practitioners happiness forever.