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Dafa Practitioners Help Save Lives of Critically Injured Policemen

February 01, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) In the evening of Jan 6th 2002, the Department of Politics and Security in Huaiyang County ordered many corrupt policemen to arrest Dafa practitioners. At around 10:00 PM, the police had a car accident at Jiuligou, which is about 2 kilometers northeast of the county. All four policemen were unconscious.

Zhuang Wanzheng, male, is 51 years old. He is a high ranking official in the Department of Politics and Security. He was the most seriously injured, and he remained unconscious for 8 days. He is still in critical condition.

Wang Quandong, male, is 36 years old. He was diagnosed with a femur fracture and a brain concussion in the Huaiyang People's Hospital. Now he is laid up in bed, and he is still being treated at the department of osteology.

Chen Jiachang is the deputy director of the Department of Politics and Security in Huaiyang County. The muscles in half of his face were torn off during the crash.

Li Changfeng is the deputy director of the Department of Politics and Security in Huaiyang county. His condition is unknown.

After the accident occurred, cars kept passing by and no one bothered to stop. Fortunately, several Dafa practitioners stopped and sent them to the Huaiyang People's Hospital, saving their lives. Later the head of the department wanted to thank these anonymous good Samaritans for their help. These practitioners told him: "We are Dafa practitioners. You do not need to thank us. If you insist, you should thank Dafa and our teacher!" Upon hearing this, he smiled and left.

The Vicious Deeds of a Policeman in Tiananmen Have Affected His Parents

During his service in the army at the police division in Beijing, Feng from Zhoukou City, Henan Province had tortured Falun Gong practitioners who went to appeal in Tiananmen Square. In May of 2001, his mother became paralyzed and had to stay in bed. After all kinds of treatment, her condition is now slightly better but it left serious complications. Then, in September, his father suddenly died from a "heart stroke" while at work.