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Official Recognition of the Falun Dafa Association of Queensland

December 05, 2002 |   Falun Dafa Practitioners in Queensland, Australia

On 28 November 2002, the government of Queensland, Australia officially recognized the Falun Dafa Association of Queensland Inc. as a registered non-profit charitable association.

More and more people are recognizing the merits of living by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Local communities have shown tremendous support for the numerous Falun Dafa Days and Weeks held in Queensland. Also, many local, State and Federal politicians have openly supported us in our appeals against the unconscionable and brutal persecution of Dafa practitioners in China.

We would like to thank Teacher for his grand mercy in allowing the practitioners in Queensland this opportunity to come together as one body to study the Fa, send forth righteous thoughts and clarify the facts to the people of Queensland and the many precious Chinese tourists who visit Queensland daily.

Every day, greater numbers of people awaken to the truth as the old forces' influence becomes less and less. We will strive every day to do even better during this crucial Fa-rectification period to help all sentient beings see the beauty and righteousness of Dafa through our own righteous behavior and actions. Thank you Teacher for bestowing such benevolent mercy upon each of us.

Falun Dafa Practitioners in Queensland, Australia