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Some Understandings Concerning Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts

December 27, 2002 |   By a Dafa practitioner from China

(Clearwisdom.net) In the past, although I work everyday, I could for the most part send forth righteous thoughts on an hourly basis after work. Using five minutes to cleanse my own dimensional field and another five minutes to eliminate the evil using righteous thoughts, I was able to carry on very well. Mentally I felt sharp and alert, and physically I felt light and comfortable.

I saw some fellow practitioners mention in their articles that the effects were better when sending forth righteous thoughts for over fifteen minutes. So when the head of the evil went to the US and Mexico, I persisted in using five minutes to cleanse my own dimensional field and fifteen minutes to eliminate the evil with righteous thoughts, on an hourly basis. After the head of the evil left, I resolutely sent forth righteous thoughts for twenty minutes every time. But as time went on, I slacked off in sending forth righteous thoughts. There are only sixty minutes in an hour, and there is much to be done in the few hours after work, like studying the Fa, sending forth righteous thoughts, doing Dafa work, and taking care of the daily family life. Taking out twenty minutes each hour makes time even scarcer, so I gradually decreased the frequency of sending forth righteous thoughts. Moreover, I could no longer focus my energy within those twenty minutes of sending forth righteous thoughts. Gradually, I felt that I could not study the Fa or do the exercises in a tranquil state. My mind seemed to be filled with distractions and I often felt sleepy.

Looking back for the reason, I discovered that I was attached to sending forth righteous thoughts for long durations. I thought that only sending forth righteous thoughts for over twenty minutes could reach the effect of eliminating evil elements in other dimensions. That is why when there was not sufficient time to send forth righteous thoughts for twenty minutes, I just did not do it at all. Even when there was enough time to send forth righteous thoughts for twenty minutes, I could not fully guarantee the quality of my righteous thoughts. For example, sometimes I would look at my watch several times during that twenty-minute period as if trying to complete a task. Hence the results were not good.

Master said in Teaching the Fa at the 2001 Canada Fa Conference,

"Another thing is that from now on at group practice or when there's another big conference like this one of ours, our students can quiet their minds for five minutes, sitting with their hands in Jieyin and thinking about eliminating the bad thoughts, karma, bad notions, and external interference in their minds. As you're like this, think that they die, and then they will be eliminated. Five minutes will do. (Applause) When we get together for group practice, think about eliminating the evil in the Three Realms, while holding one hand vertically (li-zhang) in front of the chest, and just think with True Thoughts for five minutesí this should do it. (Applause) It will work, because you are, after all, magnificent cultivators and are different from everyday people."

Master said in the Fa-Lecture at the Conference in Florida, U.S.A.,

"As you know, the persecution that Dafa disciples in Mainland China suffer is quite severe, so each student has to truly, clearly realize what his responsibility is, and when he sends forth righteous thoughts he has to be able to truly calm his mind and truly produce the effect of righteous thoughts. So this is something extremely critical, extremely important. Then if every student is able to do that, I can tell you, with five minutes of sending forth righteous thoughts together, the evil in the Three Realms will never exist again--that's how important this is."

It is easier for us to squeeze out five or ten minutes from our daily lives and at work. As long as our hearts are pure and our thoughts are focused as Master said, it will have a positive effect. Furthermore, the immediate result from persistently sending forth righteous thoughts is overcoming our laziness. Subsequently, our righteous thoughts in all other aspects will be naturally strengthened as well. Of course, having sufficient time, reaching a deeper level of concentration and sending forth righteous thoughts for longer periods of time is sure to bring about a better outcome. Thus we should send forth righteous thoughts based on our own situation. Let's not be attached to the duration or doing it exactly at the top of each hour. We are not just going through the motions of "sending forth righteous thoughts," but through sending forth righteous thoughts, we are using our divine powers to eliminate the evil elements in other dimensions and saving sentient beings.

The preceding is just my personal understanding to share with fellow practitioners, so that we can improve together. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.

December 18, 2002