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Practitioner Fang Siyi is Brutally Tortured in Jilin Provincial Women's Forced Labor Camp

December 27, 2002 |  


In September 2002, Jilin City's "610 Office" and the police conducted another campaign to persecute Dafa practitioners. (The 610 Office is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political or judicial systems.) As a result, many practitioners were kidnapped.

Practitioner Fang Siyi was arrested in mid September. The police said that she was a "key person." They ransacked Fang Siyi's house and took away 810 Yuan in cash, some electronic equipment (worth 2000 Yuan) and other valuables. (The average salary of an urban worker in China is 500 Yuan.)

A prison doctor said that she was too weak to stay in jail and recommended that she seek treatment in a hospital. But the police and "610 Office" personnel ignored the doctor's advice and sent her to the No. 3 Detention Center. Fearing that she might die there, the authorities at No. 3 Detention Center transferred her to Jilin Women's Forced Labor Camp.

During her detention at Team One, she refused to renounce her belief in Dafa. Guards Li Ying, Liu Hu and Su teamed up with other inmates to beat her. On September 24, her family members paid her a visit. They found that Fang Siyi's body was swollen and her mental condition was very frail. They felt that she could die any time.

This was not the first time that Fang Siyi suffered from brutal persecution. Since July 20th, 1999, Fang Siyi went to Beijing several times to appeal for Falun Gong. She visited the Central Government's reception office in Beijing with her eight-month-old child. She also went to Tiananman Square to tell people the facts about Dafa. She was illegally arrested and detained several times. Her husband divorced her after he was fooled by government propaganda. He even helped the police to arrest her. He also refused to pay child support. In May and June of 2001, Fang Siyi was detained in the No. 3 Detention Center, where she started a hunger strike for about two months. Fearing her death may cause them problems, the policemen released her. When she was barely recovered, the police came to arrest her again. To avoid the persecution, she jumped from the second floor window and broke her left foot, but she managed to escape. Doctors at Jilin City Hospital diagnosed her foot injury as a severe bone fracture and she would be handicapped for life. However, because of her firm belief and practice of Falun Dafa, she completely recovered after only two months. After that she left home and went from place to place to avoid further persecution.

Fang Siyi used to be a hairdresser and had a loving family. Because of the Jiang regime's persecution, the family was broken apart. Her three-year-old child is not able to see his mom. Her friends and relatives are taking turns to take care of the child.

Dafa practitioners, please help Fang Siyi to clear away the evil elements in other dimensions behind the persecution with righteous thoughts.

Under the authorization of director Zhu Xiaoguang, police at Jilin Women's Forced Labor Camp tortured and killed quite a few practitioners. Fang Siyi's experience is but the tip of the iceberg. Zhu Xiaoguang's home phone number is 86- 431-595-6636.