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On International Human Rights Day, Japan Falun Dafa Practitioners Participate in Amnesty International Parade (Photos)

December 15, 2002 |   By Dafa Practitioners in Japan

(Clearwisdom.net) December 10 is International Human Rights Day. On December 8, 2002, Japan Falun Dafa practitioners participated in a parade sponsored by the Amnesty International (Japan branch) with the theme of "Stop violence, Safeguard human rights," to expose Chinese dictator Jiang's trampling upon human rights and brutally persecuting Falun Gong.

In the afternoon, before participating groups were ready to set off, Tokyo Industry University professor Mr. Hiroshige gave a speech on behalf of the association to support Falun Gong practitioners. He said, "Falun Gong practitioners strive to upgrade their moral standard through cultivation. They have nothing to do with politics and religion, but they are persecuted by Jiang's regime. All systems on earth have been established on diversity, that is the foundation of our existence. The basis of human society is human rights. Trampling upon human rights is absolutely intolerable. Only by showing respect for the human rights, can we achieve real stability of society. "

After that, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Kitashima introduced to the participating groups and the media about the fact that Falun Gong is a cultivation practice of both body and mind, based on the characteristic of the universe "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," and that Falun Gong has been warmly received by the world's people. Mr. Kitashima also presented the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China and talked about a Japanese practitioner's wife, Yoko Kaneko, who is illegally detained in Beijing. He also discussed the rescue activities in Japan and by the international community. He reiterated the appeal for rescuing her. Many people signed the petition to rescue her on the spot.

On the vibrant Shibuya Street, the Dafa practitioners' procession moved forward solemnly and peacefully. With bright-colored banners, peaceful music and a graceful demeanor, Dafa practitioners displayed the beauty of Falun Dafa and exposed the atrocity of the evil. At both sides of the street, Dafa practitioners distributed Dafa truth-clarifying materials to passers-by.