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My Understanding of Why We Need to Completely Oppose the Arrangements of the Old Forces

December 01, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Teacher said in his article "Path," "Dafa disciples are now right in the midst of the Fa-rectification period, and the old forces' performance has formed the most fundamental and most severe test of Dafa disciples. Whether the test can be passed is an actualization of Dafa and of whether every Dafa disciple can be responsible to himself. And whether a person can, while breaking and eliminating the evil, step forward to validate Dafa becomes a testament about [letting go of] life and death, becomes confirmation of whether a Fa-rectification disciple can achieve Consummation, and also becomes what differentiates a God from a human... The current evil persecution has been imposed on Dafa and the disciples by the old forces. Isn't everything that is done to resist the persecution the most magnificent display of Dafa disciples being responsible to Dafa and to themselves?"

After studying this article, I gained a deeper understanding of why we need to completely oppose the arrangements of the old evil forces. Teacher does not acknowledge anything arranged by the old forces. Therefore, we should not acknowledge the arrangements of the old forces either. Teacher is using the old forces' arrangements to see whether or not we can oppose the old forces. Our clarifying the truth and exposing the evil is opposing the arrangements of the old forces. Everything we do to resist the persecution is within Teacher's arrangement, which is also walking on the path determined by Teacher. On the contrary, if we just wait for the force of Fa-rectification to come, or if we passively endure the persecution, then we are following the path arranged by the old forces. The intention of the old forces is to sustain and use the evil elements until the last minute. If we do not step forward to participate in the Fa-rectification, we are then helping the old forces achieve their evil intention.

This is just my personal understanding. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.