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Latest News from China - 11/02/2002

November 07, 2002 |  


  • [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] District Police Departments Illegally Arrest Falun Dafa Practitioners
  • [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] The Chicheng County Police Department Lies about the Abduction of a Falun Dafa Practitioner
  • [Xindu County, Sichuan Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Wang Xiuhua and Ding Fahui Are Abducted in Zhuyou Town
  • [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Reckless arrests of Dafa practitioners in Weifang City
  • [Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province] The Wanyaoshu Detention Center Brutally Tortures Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Cen Mei
  • [Panjin City, Liaoning Province] The Xinglong Police Station Illegally Arrests Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Lu Shuxuan, and Won't Free her Until After the Conclusion of the 16th People's Congress
  • [Linying City, Henan Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Gu Lihui and her Husband Niu Wenji Are Illegally Arrested

1. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] District Police Departments Illegally Arrest Falun Dafa Practitioners

The Guye District Police Department has illegally placed a large number of Falun Dafa practitioners under arrest. The Linxi Police Station illegally arrested two practitioners, Tang Chunfang (female) and Wang Shouhua and the Xinlou Police Station arrested four practitioners, including a 70-year-old woman. The Xinlou police even held the elderly woman's granddaughter over night. Various police stations in the Nanyuan region (Telephone number: 86-315-3551510) of Tangshan City have illegally arrested Zhao Yanhua (female), Wang Guiling (female) and another practitioner. Falun Dafa practitioners in other regions have also been harassed.

2. [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] The Chicheng County Police Department Lies about the Abduction of a Falun Dafa Practitioner

A Falun Dafa practitioner from Chicheng County in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province disappeared last year. Her family went to the police department to look for her. The police lied. They denied any knowledge of her whereabouts. A year later, upon the practitioner's return home, her family learned that she had been abducted by the Chicheng County Police Department and held in the detention center for 6 months. She was then sent to the Women's Regiment in the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp. After six more months of torture, she was close to death, so the forced labor camp authorities sent her home. To avoid being abducted again, she was forced to leave her town and live a homeless and destitute life.

3. [Xindu County, Sichuan Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Wang Xiuhua and Ding Fahui Are Abducted in Zhuyou Town

In the early morning on October 25, Wu Hongqiang, the head of Zhuyou Town, led over a dozen people to abduct Wang Xiuhau (female) and Ding Fahui from their homes. The excuse was that the 16th Congress of the Communist Party was approaching, and practitioners had to be sent to the brainwashing center in Xindu County, Sichuan Province.

Address of the person responsible for the persecution:

Wu Hongqiang, Zhuyou Town, Xindu County, Sichuan Province, ZIP 610500

4. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Reckless arrests of Dafa practitioners in Weifang City

Police in Weifang City, Shandong Province, arrested over a dozen Falun Dafa practitioners who were homeless due to the persecution against them.

5. [Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province] The Wanyaoshu Detention Center Brutally Tortures Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Cen Mei

Cen Mei, female, a teacher at the Chuyi Middle School in Xichang City, has been illegally held in the Wanyaoshu Detention Center in Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province. She went on a hunger strike as her only means of objecting to the persecution. As the the forcefeeding was conducted by police instead of medically trained personnel, a mistake occurred and the substance was forced into her lungs instead of her stomach, causing a bronchial infection. The brutality of the force-feeding also resulted in blood splattering all over her face. The police also handcuffed her and shackled her to a bed used for torture purposes for five consecutive days and nights. They used an iron chain around her waist to prevent her from turning over. She was forced to urinate and defecate in the bed for the entire five days and nights.

Cen Mei's belief in Falun Dafa is as solid as a diamond. She observed, "The Fa of the universe and Dafa practitioners do not allow this kind of treatment by the evil beings. If there is any surprise, it will not be that I committed suicide. It will be the persecution of the evil.... I will definitely walk out of this persecution, as I know Master has always been with me."

[Note: this account was written by a Falun Dafa practitioner in prison]

Telephone number of the Wanyaoshu Detention Center in Panzhihua City: 86-812-2222589.

Telephone number of the head of the detention center: 86-812-2243009.

6. [Panjin City, Liaoning Province] The Xinglong Police Station Illegally Arrests Female Falun Dafa Practitioner Lu Shuxuan, and Won't Free Her Until the Conclusion of the 16th People's Congress

Lu Shuxuan, a female retired employee of the Liaohe Oil Fields in Panjin City, Liaoning Province, was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor education for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in October 1999. Her forced labor term was illegally extended for half a year, and her retirement pension was taken from her during her forced labor term. Not long after she was released from the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp, at 3:00 p.m. on October 22, police officers from the Xinglong Police Station broke into her home. They took her away and ransacked her home for no reason. It was learned that she will not be allowed to come home until after the conclusion of 16th Congress of the Communist Party of China [scheduled to be held in November, 2002].

It is not uncommon for people to be placed in custody for no reason. As long as someone has practiced Falun Gong, he or she may be abducted any moment without notice. An illegal search always follows the abduction. As the commencement of the 16th Congress approaches, Jinzhou City has an atmosphere of terror. One Falun Gong practitioner escaped abduction by not responding when the police knocked at his door. In order to avoid being abducted, he could no longer return home. Reports are still coming in about people who have been arrested. Many Falun Dafa practitioners in Panjin City have been forced to become homeless in order to avoid the arbitrary arrests.

7. [Linying City, Henan Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Gu Lihui and Her Husband Niu Wenji Have Been Illegally Arrested

Falun Dafa practitioners Gu Lihui and her husband Niu Wenji have been illegally arrested. Their daughter is only 3 years old. Gu Lihui has been held in custody in an offsite location (and no further information is available). Her husband's whereabouts remain unknown.