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Dutch Practitioners Introduce Falun Gong to Students (Photo)

November 12, 2002 |   By a practitioner from The Netherlands

(Clearwisdom.net) On October 30th an international students society in The Netherlands invited Falun Gong practitioners to introduce Falun Gong to them. The organisers had a program of activities; one of the aspects addressed was spirituality and the organisers thought Falun Gong would fit into the program very well.

The program consisted of a dinner, a few lectures, a workshop and a party afterwards. During the dinner, to which the practitioners were also invited, a storyteller told some stories related to the main theme. After the main course it was time for the first part of the Falun Gong workshop. About 50 students joined the activity. A Dutch speaking Falun Gong practitioner explained what Falun Gong was and told a little about his own experiences. He also used the opportunity to explain the Falun symbol and to talk about the unjust persecution of Falun Gong in China.

After the introduction, it was time for dessert. All the food was cooked by the students themselves and the theme of the evening was woven into the dishes. After dessert it was time for the second part of the workshop, the Falun Gong exercises. Everyone joined the practice. While a practitioner demonstrated and explained the exercises, other practitioner corrected the movements of the students.

Afterwards, the practitioners received a lot of positive reactions. All the students found it to be a very special experience and a good workshop. They all received a multimedia cd-rom as a present to learn more about Falun Gong or to even start practicing themselves.