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Summary of Other Articles and News - 10/19/2002

October 24, 2002 |  


A Few Short Stories

* In the recent days, Falun Dafa practitioners in a place in Northeastern China posted the truth-clarifying materials all over the electric wire posts and the walls in every single village. When the commander of the local police station discovered it, he asked for the advice of the director of the township where the villages belong about how to deal with this issue. The director said, "They can do what they want to do, but couldn't you claim that you did not see it?"

* While a male practitioner in a Northeastern city went to distribute truth-clarifying materials in an apartment building blocks, a few females followed him. With a pure and righteous thought, this practitioner turned around and walked towards these ladies. However, these ladies ran away as he was approaching them. Seeing these ladies run away, this practitioner said it to them, "Please do not run away! I came to deliver the materials to you."

* A practitioner was distributing the truth-clarifying materials when he was stalked by an old man. This old man shouted, "I have caught you and I will take you to the police." The practitioner said, "Why should I go with you to police?" Afterwards, this practitioner explained the true facts about Falun Gong to him. At the end, this old man said, "Do you know who I am? I am the person in charge of tracking Falun Gong practitioners." As soon as he finished saying this, he left without sending the practitioner to police.

* My husband was cheated by the evil propaganda against Falun Gong and became objectionable to Dafa. I clarified the true facts about Falun Dafa to him and sent forth righteous thoughts to clear the evil factors in other dimensions that interfered with him. As a result, he became sober-minded. My 2 and a half year-old granddaughter suddenly coughed day and night. I believe Dafa could rectify all abnormalities. In such a good energy field, how could such a pure child be sick? If it was because of the evil factors in other dimensions that caused the problem, I would purge them. After such a thought of mind came out, the child stopped coughing.