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Belgium Dafa Practitioners Spread the Fa During a Weekend

January 30, 2002 |   By Belgium Dafa practitioners

(Clearwisdom.net) On the afternoon of January 19, Belgium Dafa practitioners were granted permission to carry out Hongfa activities in front of the centrally located palace in Brussels.

At 1:00 p.m., practitioners arrived on the spot and unfurled a huge banner with the words "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance." They also spread out banners appealing for justice and for the end of the suppression of Falun Gong in China. Many passers-by stopped at the scene to take a look and started to attentively read the flyers practitioners had given them. Drivers passing by also asked for information and flyers. A few busloads of Chinese tourists stopped as well to take a look and even asked practitioners to get on the bus to show them the truth-clarifying materials. They also asked questions concerning Falun Dafa issues. Just then, it started to rain heavily, but practitioners remained unmoved and continued with their exercises in the torrential rain, displaying through their actions awe-inspiring righteousness. Two of the Chinese tourists could not help but stare at the moving scene for a long time.

It was getting dark, and practitioners started a candlelight vigil. Another Chinese tour group came by. Three curious members of the group came up to ask what we were doing. We told them the truth about the brutal persecution of Dafa practitioners in China and gave them some materials to read. They accepted the materials and called more Chinese tourists to come over and have a look. We gave them truth-clarifying materials to read, including "Peaceful Journey of Falun Dafa." They were so interested that they simply stood in a circle and asked about Falun Gong issues that they were concerned with. Apparently, these beings were longing for the truth, so they could shake off the control by the evil. Sentient beings are becoming more and more aware of the truth.