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Photo Report: Ms. Connie Chipkar's Arrival at Pearson International Airport, Toronto, Canada

January 26, 2002 |  

Minghui reported at 1 a.m. on January 25, 2002 that Ms. Connie Chipkar arrived at Pearson International Airport, Toronto at 11:59 p.m. on January 24, 2002. About 80 Toronto Dafa practitioners holding fresh flowers and posters welcomed her at the airport. The two Canadian western practitioners who participated in the Tiananmen peaceful appeal last November, Connie's son Joel Chipkar, and Zenon Dolnyckyj, were also present.

Photographers and reporters from Global TV, City TV, and FGM TV waited for her arrival at the airport too.

About 12:30 a.m., Connie walked toward the practitioners. She looked healthy and vibrant. The practitioners welcomed her with song. Connie smiled and led all the practitioners to sing "Falun Dafa is good", the song she sang on Tiananmen Square.

Connie completed the whole journey of "SOS! Global UrgentRescue" in Canada several months ago. Then she went to Europe and started her European journey of "SOS! Global UrgentRescue." Within four months, she walked through 14 countries and 30 cities. The last stop on her "SOS Global Walk" was Beijing.

Zenon, Joel Chipkar, and other western practitioners welcome Connie at the AirportDafa practitioners wait for Connie's arrivalConnie appears in front of the Dafa practitioners
Connie leads the practitioners singing "Falun Dafa is good"Reporters interview herMs. Connie Chipkar looks vibrant
Embraces ZenonMs. Connie Chipkar and her son at the airport