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Evidence of Persecution Against Falun Dafa Practitioner, Liu Shengzhi, in Pingdu City, Shandong Province

Jan. 25, 2002


On January 6, 2002, Liu Shengzhi, a peasant in Houlongquan Village of Guxian Town in Pingdu City, Shandong Province, was arrested and detained by police.

During the year 2000, Liu Shengzhi went to Beijing to validate Dafa and was illegally arrested. Police from Guxian Police Station escorted him back to Pingdu City, where he was illegally detained and mistreated by policemen for fifteen days.

On November 9, 2001, local police caught him while he was out of his home. The vicious police officers, Hou Xijun and Chang Qianjun, conducted a complete body search on him, but only found a crayon. They illegally detained him in a police car, brought him back to his home, and forced him to open the door. Liu Shengzhi refused, so the villain Hou Xijin used various cruel means to torture him. The horrible screams shocked Liu Shengzhi's neighbors, but the evil police threatened them to stay quiet. Then policemen broke down his door, searched his home and took all of his Dafa materials. They even searched the seams on the wall, holes dug by rats and all of his shoes. According to the witness, the police took all of Liu Shengzhi's savings away (the amount of the money is not known). Later, police took Liu Shengzhi to the Guxian Police Station and tortured him. They forced him to sit on a metal chair, and would not allow him to sleep.

On the second day, the staff and policemen of the Town government forced Liu Shengzhi to pay 1,500 Yuan RMB (Approximately 3-month salary of an average urban worker). Liu Shengzhi refused to follow their illegal order. Police turned to the village committee and requested them to pay 3,000 Yuan RMB (Approximately 6-month salary of an average urban worker). The leader of the Party Committee Branch in Houlongquan Village Liu Xikuan and other persons from the Police Station, Town Government and Party Branch in Houlongquan Village removed every single thing from Liu Shengzhi's home on January 6. Liu's two pigs were sold to villagers for only 240 Yuan RMB (the market price for two pigs was about 800 Yuan RMB). All of his crops including wheat, corn and peanuts were snatched up. His cooking wares, working tools and even his door was taken away, leaving an empty home. Some of the villagers who witnessed the robbery had tears streaming down their faces. Some whispered, "People will do anything with the lack of morals in this day and age! These men are even worse than robbers."

Several days later, in order to impose a more severe persecution upon Liu Shengzhi, the vicious police officer Hou Xijun forced Liu Shengzhi to stand by an electrical pole that had phrases like "Falun Dafa is good" on it, and tried to manufacture evidence by taking pictures of him. Liu Shengzhi didn't cooperate with his degenerate orders. Hou Xijun became flustered and exasperated. He repeatedly beat Liu Shengzhi to the ground until he lost consciousness several times. The oppressor refused to use any mercy and finally took a picture of Liu Shengzhi as he was unconscious. All of the witnesses who had a conscience were surprised and their compassion awakened.

Now Liu Shengzhi is illegally detained in the Pingdu Police Station. We hope all kind people who know the truth pay close attention to the persecution of Liu Shengzhi.

List of Perpetrators and their phone numbers:

Sun Jianming, chief of Political and Judiciary Committee in Guxian Town, home phone number: 86-532-3362038

Phone number of Police Station of Guxian Town: 86-532-3361060

Head of the Police Station: Sui Fangzhong

Police Officer: Hou Xijin

Policemen: Chang Qianjun (lives in Gezhuang Village in Pingdu)

Sun (lives in Balizhuang Village of Pingdu City)

Liu Xikuan, the chief of Party Committee Houlongquan Branch, phone number: 86-532-3366698

Chen Li, Village head, phone number: 86-532-3366768

Zhuang Hongqin, security guard, phone number: 86-532-3368210.