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Righteous Dutch Policeman: How Could Police Not Be Able to Distinguish Between Good and Evil?

January 14, 2002 |   By Dafa Practitioners in the Netherlands

In order to reveal the truth of Falun Gong to more Dutch people, we planned to display SOS leaflets at public places. However we were unclear about exactly where it was legal to do so. This is because the Netherlands has strict regulations regarding displaying materials in public. Therefore we enquired at a police station in Amsterdam. When an officer asked us about the situation of Falun Gong, we told him that Falun Gong was first introduced to the public by Mr. Li Hongzhi [founder of Falun Gong] in 1992, and that millions of people practiced it in China and how they had benefited greatly from it. We also told the officer that in 1999 the Jiang regime made Falun Gong illegal and has been irrationally persecuting it since then. While we were speaking, some other police officers gradually gathered around us and listened to our clarification very carefully. In the end we told them that because Jiang has been manipulating the media to slander Falun Gong, we would like to display the SOS leaflets in public to reveal the truth to people. However, we were not sure about where it was allowed to do so.

The police officers told us, "Please leave the SOS leaflets with us and we assure you that we will display them in public places for you. The Chinese government's actions are ridiculous and beyond our understanding. They have even ordered the police to arrest these kind and innocent citizens. Aren't those who believe in Truth, Compassion, and Forbearance the kindest? Why are the Chinese police so muddle-headed and why can't they distinguish between good and evil? How could someone like that be a police officer? They just follow Jiang blindly, but don't they have their own thoughts? Can't they see that those arrested according to Jiang's orders are unarmed, kind fellow citizens? It is Jiang himself that should be punished by law!" We thanked the Dutch police officers sincerely for their understanding, sympathy and support. They said, "You are welcome. To support Falun Gong is righteous. Despite the brutal persecution by China we hope that the Falun Gong practitioners will continue their campaign and be successful!"

Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/2591.html