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Finland: Spirit of Falun Gong Practitioners Undeterred by Cold Weather

January 14, 2002 |   A Falun Dafa Practitioner in Finland

Jyvaskyla, Finland

During the weekend of December 29th-30th, some Falun Gong practitioners from Finland met in Jyvaskyla, a city in central Finland. There were seven practitioners altogether, including one Chinese practitioner who lives in Finland.

We began the weekend by doing the exercises and then studying some Falun Gong articles. It was --25oC (-13oF) outside and the snow was piled high. After reading, we sent forth righteous thoughts; then, shortly after 10 o'clock, we headed into the city. Everybody spread out through the centre of the city to hand out flyers. Some of the people we talked to hurriedly took a flyer and went inside the shopping centre to escape from the cold weather. Two young men listened with interest about the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese government. They nodded their heads and seemed surprised that this could be happening. One man said that Falun Gong is a good thing. Many other people made similar positive remarks.

Later on we visited the unemployed people's activity centre where we held a class to teach the five exercises. After teaching the exercises we played the exercise videotape.

For the first time, Zhuan Falun [the main book of Falun Gong] is now available in Finnish. A Finnish practitioner from Sweden had some printed in Sweden and bought them along with her. This practitioner shared with us her experiences in Beijing and at Tiananmen Square in November 2001 where she had gone to appeal peacefully.

The programme for Sunday was mostly the same as on Saturday. Again, despite cold and windy weather, we handed out flyers in the city centre. The temperature was below --20oC (-4oF).

In the afternoon we held the first meeting of the Finnish Falun Dafa Association, which we had just registered shortly before Christmas.

During both days, important issues arose that could change one's life as a practitioner. My own understanding of the Chinese people's suffering was elevated to a new level. Determination to do more has made me increase my own share in clarifying the truth as a responsible practitioner.

Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/2590.html