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Letter from Women's Federation of Quebec to Prime Minister of Canada in Support of SOS! Global RescueWalk

September 30, 2001 |  

Women's Federation of Québec

Montréal, 27 September 2001

Subjectá:áSOS! Global RescueWalk
Honorable Jean Chrétien
Prime Minister of Canada
Ottawa (ONT)

Mister Prime Minister,

In the name of the Women's Federation of Québec, we would like to emphasize the importance of the role of the Canadian government in the promotion of human rights worldwide. A group of people, concerned about the treatment of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese authorities, have undertaken a walk aiming to raise the awareness of the government and the population in regards to the atrocities that have been committed. We encourage you to listen to their message for the respect of human rights. Their philosophy is not threatening. On the contrary, they advocate compassion and tolerance.

In support of the request for respect of human rights, we ask you to call on the Chinese government to put an end to the rapes, the imprisonment, and the torture of practitioners of this spiritual path.

Mister Prime Minister, please accept our warmest regards.


Vivian Barbot
