1. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioner Di Zhibin Goes On Hunger Strike For More Than 40 Days, and Is in Critical Condition
Practitioner Di Zhibing has been on a hunger strike in Longfeng Detention Center for over 40 days, while the legal detention term in China is 15 days. His body weight has dropped to a mere 80 lbs. and he is in critical condition. Nevertheless, the police are still applying for his transfer to a forced labor camp. As of now, Di Zhibin is still being illegally detained and persecuted in the Longfeng Detention Center.
We sincerely hope that all kindhearted people give us their help and support.
2. [Gansu Province] Truth-clarifying CDs Save the Kind People in Gansu Province
One Falun Dafa practitioner put a truth-clarifying CD at the gate of a bank. The next morning, an employee found the CD and played it inside the bank. All the employees had an opportunity to watch the true stories and were very surprised that they had been deceived by the government's propaganda for so long. However, the person who found the CD destroyed it out of fear that the police would make trouble for him. Upon returning home, that employee had a sudden heart attack. Soon after, the other employees heard the news. They remarked that the retribution came as a consequence of destroying the CD containing the truth about Falun Gong.
In a city of Gansu Province, one person received a similar CD in the mailbox. The person watched it at home and understood the truth. He was angered by the illegal and brutal persecution of Falun Gong and practitioners. He took the CD to his neighbors, relatives, colleagues and friends. After watching the true stories, everyone said, "We won't be deceived by the government's lying propaganda again!"
3. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Vicious People of Lanzhou University Suppress the Kind People, Bringing Fire to the Campus
A few vicious people of Lanzhou University have followed the "Human Rights Scoundrel" Jiang Zemin and have joined the local malicious policemen in persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. Many scientists and Alumni from both China and overseas have denounced these people and their acts.
Their vicious actions against truthfulness and compassion have made heaven angry. As quoted from a recent issue of the Lanzhou "Heaven and Earth of the City Newspaper", "In the morning of July 22, 2001, a fire broke out in the Student No. 2 Dining Hall, burning an area of 570 square meters. This is the fifth fire accident at Lanzhou University this year." "Lanzhou University has had a total of twelve large and small fires over the past three years. The fire on March 30, 2001 burned Room #4005 in the Lab Building of the Chemicals and Chemistry College, and resulted in about 290,000 Yuan of damage."
We hope that the people of Lanzhou University who have done evil things will wake up right away and begin treating Falun Dafa practitioners with kindness.
4. [Baoying County, Jiangsu Province] Two Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Kidnapped and Placed in a Mental Hospital
Practitioner Lin Qingrong, a resident of Baoying County, Jiangsu Province, and Practitioner Li Guohua, a resident of Baoying County, Jiangsu Province, are both currently being detained in Wutaishan Mental Hospital in Yangzhou City.
Before being sent to the mental hospital, Practitioner Li Guohua was arrested in Hanyuan County Sichuan Province.
Many medications for mentally ill patients are being forced upon them daily.
5. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Local Police Threaten the Relatives of Practitioners and Destroy the Family Relationship
Li Linxiang and Ma Shuling, a retired couple from the Shijiazhuang No. 6 Cotton Weaving Factory, are both Falun Dafa practitioners. After July 20, 1999, policemen from Shengli North Street Police Station and people from the local community office often came to harass them in their home. The old couple had to move back to their hometown in the countryside. Recently, the policemen from Shengli North Street Police Station began to threaten the couple's children who are not practitioners. The policemen told their son that he must bring the old couple back to Shijiazhuang City. If he does this, the police will then brainwash and torture the old couple.
If the son doesn't cooperate, he will be dismissed from his job and detained for 15 days. The policemen have also threatened the couple's son-in-law, trying to force him to divorce his wife, the daughter of the two Falun Gong practitioners. Otherwise, he will be dismissed from his job. The police are also threatening other family members, trying to involve them in the persecution.
Criminal policemen name list:
Police Substation at Shengli North Street Qiaodong District Shijiazhuang City
Phone: (86) (311) 698 3146
Chief Zheng Qihong
Vice Chief Hou Yong
Policemen or Detective Tao Banghe, Wu Yunlong
Policemen Zhang San
6. [Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province] The 6410 Military Factory Illegally Dismisses Falun Dafa Practitioners
During the Spring Festival in 2001, eleven Dafa practitioners from the Chinese People's Liberation Army 6410 Military Factory (in Jingjing county, Shijiazhuang city) went to Beijing to appeal and clarify the truth. As a result, the factory retaliated by dismissing four of them from employment. One of the four was sentenced to one year of labor camp, while the other three were sentenced to three years of labor camp. Even some of the practitioners' family members were implicated. The other seven Dafa practitioners each had 7000 Yuan to 8000 Yuan extorted from them (this is about one year's salary for someone with an average income). One practitioner whose money was taken away was still breast-feeding her baby. The other six practitioners kept working as normal; however, they were given only 80 to 90 Yuan of living stipend per month.
Here is a list of the degenerate people who persecute Dafa practitioners:
Wang Guanghe, the chief of the 6410 military factory
Zhang Shoude, the Party committee secretary
Zhen, the director of the Public Security Department
Li Jianye, the director of the factory branch police station
Li Zengrao, the director of a department (he is in charge of persecuting Falun Gong and his crimes were exposed on Minghui Net on May 16, 2001) Phone number (home) 86-311-2350257
Address of the 6410 military factory: Jingjing county, Shijiazhuang city, Hubei Province.
Phone number: 86-311-3629400
7. [Huolu, Hubei Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Persecuted in the Huolu Detention Center
In the Huolu detention center, detained Dafa practitioners lose their basic human rights and freedom. If a practitioner is caught doing a Falun Gong exercise, his or her hands are handcuffed in front of the body or behind the back; this handcuffing can last anywhere from several days to a week, and practitioners stay handcuffed even when going to the bathroom. Also, the guards punish practitioners by ordering them to run for painfully long periods of time, or by ordering them to stand on the snow-covered ground. Other penalties include standing for a long time, being savagely beaten, "Er Lang Mountain" (this is when the two thumbs are cuffed together behind the back), having the feet cuffed together, "squatting Mabu" (this is when the two legs are widely separated and the person squats down halfway), and having to hold the two hands horizontally for a long time. Practitioner Li Jiangzhong was eliminating illness karma and was therefore unable to work. Because of this he was either isolated or forced to sit on the "Tiger bench" (a painful torture device) for a day and a night.
Here is a list of the criminals who persecute Dafa practitioners:
Zhang Weige, director of the detention center
Xie Meili (male), deputy director of the detention center
Du Bin (female) deputy director of the detention center
Du Xiai, Zhen Chunyue, guards
Wei XX (male) hired thug
The address of the Huolu Detention Center: Huozhong Road. Phone number: 86-311-2012336, 2019934
8. [Longxi county, Gansu Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners are Persecuted in Longxi
1. Dafa practitioner He Wenge, an employee of the Wenfeng Town Railway, went to Beijing to appeal at the 2000 Spring Festival and was sentenced to one year in a labor camp. Dafa practitioner Pan Long, an employee at the Wenfeng Alcohol Factory, sent Teacher's new article to practitioners in the Northeastern Alumni Processing Factory in June 2000. Unfortunately he was caught by a degenerate person named Wang Wei. He was then sent to the county police station and sentenced to one year of labor camp. These two practitioners were released this year after their terms were fulfilled; however, the county police station sent them back to the detention center.
2. On January 22 of this year, the Longxi Police Station held a meeting in the Northeastern Alumni Processing Factory and gave six Dafa practitioners a "public trial." These practitioners were Yang Faqiang, Zhang Bo, Li Dongmei, Wang Yanmei, Wang Xiuhua, and He Xiufang. These six practitioners inspired awe by upholding justice, and by loudly stating, "Falun Dafa is good!" The vicious police stuffed these practitioners' mouths to keep them quiet. Surprisingly, a video of this unjust "public trial" kept airing on a local TV station for a week.
3. Song Jianhua is the director of the Political Protection Department at the Longxi County Police Station. Since July 22,1999, he has tightly followed Jiang Zemin and acted as a pioneer in persecuting Dafa. He has become notorious for the many crimes he has committed:
(1) Song Jianhua kept exerting pressure on each work unit in Longxi County. He wanted them to coerce Dafa practitioners into writing guarantee letters and into giving up cultivation. He once bellowed, "I just want to extort all of the money that Falun Gong people have, confiscate their houses, break up their families, and kill them!"
(2) Song is directly responsible for the death of Dafa practitioner Li Faming, an employee of the Northeastern Alumni Processing Factory (Minghui Net has reported his death). In August 2000, large amounts of truth-clarifying literature showed up in Longxi county. Without any testimony, Song and other vicious police asserted emphatically that it was done by Li Faming. With the active cooperation of the security department of the factory, police searched Li's house. In less than five minutes, Li was tortured, thrown from the building, and killed.
After this happened, the county police station and the security department of the factory sealed off Li's house tightly, neither allowing his family members to go back home, nor allowing them and other Dafa practitioners to see Li's corpse. Their sinful purpose was to cover up the truth about the killing. The next day they cremated Li's corpse in a hurry.
(3) According to incomplete statistics, in Longxi County, one practitioner was killed, two were arrested, and eleven were sent to labor camps. For all of these horrible crimes, Song Jianhua has direct responsibility.
Two arrested Dafa practitioners, Yang Faqiang and Zhang Bo, were illegally detained with for an unlimited time, although police could not find any other legitimate reason for this detention except for practicing Falun Gong.
Practitioners who were sent to labor camp:
He Wenge, male, over 30 years old, an employee of the Wenfeng Railway.
Pan Longping, male, about 37 years old, an employee of the Wenfeng Alcohol Factory.
Wang Yanmei, female, over 40 years old, a retired employee of the Northeastern Alumni Processing Factory.
He Xiufang, female, about 50 years old, a retired employee of the Northeastern Alumni Processing Factory.
Xu, female, about 60 years old, a retired employee of the Northeastern Alumni Processing Factory.
Wang Xiuhua, female, about 45 years old, an employee of the Northeastern Alumni Processing Factory.
Yang Juxiang, female, a retired employee of the Northeastern Alumni Processing Factory.
Zhang Xiufang, female, 26 years old, an employee of the Northeastern Alumni Processing Factory.
Yan Zhongxin, male, 30 years old, an employee of the Northeastern Alumni Processing Factory.
Li Dongmei, female, 26 years old, an employee of the Northeastern Alumni Processing Factory.
Zhang Yongqin, male, about 60 years old, a resident of Longxi Beiguan.
In addition, several Dafa practitioners from the Northeastern Alumni Processing Factory roamed about away from home for a long time because the persecution from the evil was rampant. Their whereabouts are unknown.
We warn those horrible people again: If you still do not repent and mend your ways, what awaits you is punishment from both the laws on the human level and the heavenly principles of the universe.
9. [Hubei Province] Shayang Labor Camp Cruelly Tortures Falun Dafa Practitioners
In May 2001, the Shayang labor camp held the so-called "Strict Control Class" to cruelly persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. People were indignant about the means and instruments of torture the vicious police used.
Male and female practitioners were detained separately; 19 male practitioners were detained in the "Strict Control Class" and more than 80 male practitioners were detained on the periphery. It is not clear how they detained the female practitioners. Thugs conducted humiliating intensive training on male and female practitioners. For example, they asked the practitioners to put their hands on the back of their heads and jump. They beat, abused and rebuked the practitioners, using the excuse that their movements did not conform to the requirements. Thugs especially beat the male practitioners' sensitive parts, even their genitals; the perpetrators were extremely disgusting and vicious. Some practitioners' legs were beaten black and blue, making huge bruises. Among them, Long Tingfan was tortured until he spit blood for two days. He was in critical condition and his heartbeat had almost stopped when he was finally sent to the hospital. The labor camp authorities were afraid to take responsibility for causing his death, so they asked Long Tingfan's parents-in-law to take him home from Shayang Hospital. Long Tingfa's wife is in the "Strict Control Class."
10. [Weihai City, Shandong Province] Policemen Liu Jie, Liu Jinhu and Liu Jian Fabricate Charges
Weihai City police Liu Jie, Liu Jinhu and Liu Jian, et al., tried several times to send Falun Dafa practitioner Wang Junfang (female) to the Gao district labor camp on fabricated charges. Their means were very dirty; we believe they will receive retribution soon.
11. [Xinji City, Hebei Province] Xinji City Issues One-Way Tickets to Hell for Wicked Collaborators
On July 15, 2001, Xinji City held a so-called "commendation meeting" to honor those "advanced" individuals and groups who have persecuted Falun Dafa. The meeting was called by Liu Cunzhu, the vice secretary of Xinji city, City Committee, City government, City People's Congress. In attendance were heads of the City People's Political Consultative Conference, Shen Zhanqun, Ge Jianghe, Zhang Guotian, Wu Genshen, and others. People from the 610 office [An office created by the government to deal specifically with issues related to Falun Gong] in Shijiazhuang city, Hebei Province and Shijiazhuang City Public Security Bureau also attended the meeting. In the meeting, the Xinji City Public Security Bureau issued "awards" and "silk banners (as awards)" to the wicked people Geng Zhanfeng, Jia Lichao, Liu Guangxu and many others.
The Xinji City Public Security Bureau and 610 Office have imposed the charge of "organizer of a command system" on Falun Dafa practitioners Fu Zengqi, Fu Dongxiao, and others. They lied and told higher authorities that they had uncovered a Falun Gong "command system." City People's Political Consultative Conference head, Shen Zhanqun, was very happy about it and allocated special funds for the liars to purchase cars and awarded 50,000 Yuan RMB (about 6 years of average salary in Chinese city) to Xinji City Public Security Bureau authorities. Zhang Shukai, the Vice Mayor of Xinji City, publicly read out the so-called "commendation certificate" which blatantly spells out crimes of persecution against Falun Dafa practitioners. The "awards" are listed below.
It is really tragic that those people who have rendered "great service" in pledging loyalty to the evil force do not know that the silk banners, cars and the trivial 50,000 Yuan RMB money awards are just one-way tickets to hell.
12. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Immediate Retribution Is A Warning to Those Who Help the Tyrant, Jiang Zemin to Commit Evil
On July 14, a betrayer named Zhang Anmei from Dongshan District, Guangzhou City went to the brainwashing class in Haizhu District, where Falun Gong practitioners were unjustly detained, to help brainwash the practitioners. As a result, she developed high blood pressure, causing a stroke, and was sent to the hospital for an operation.
13. [Xixia City, Shandong Province] A Vile Person Who Slandered Falun Dafa
Receives Retribution
In the middle of July 2001, the team accountant Zhang Hongwu in Zangjiazhuang Village of Xixia City, Shandong Province and several other people slandered Falun Dafa and Teacher Li Hongzhi. One Dafa practitioner warned, "Don't say things against Dafa. Otherwise you'll receive retribution" Zhang said angrily, "How can you deal with me?" Three days later, while walking on the street, Zhang unexpectedly fell down and died. It is a warning to the world's people: A person who slanders Dafa will surely receive retribution!
14. [Jinzhou City, Hebei Province] Immediate Retribution Warns the World's People: Retribution Will Fall on Those Who Damage Falun Dafa
In the wheat harvest season of this year, an incident occurred in Xizhangkou Village, Hetou Town, Jinzhou City, Hebei Province. It made some people who were cheated by the vicious lies become shocked, deep in their hearts.
Zhao Bingli, a young man in this village was driving a tractor down a road, and he saw banners, which read "Falun Dafa is good." hanging on some trees. He said, "The banners are good for wiping my tractor." He tore a banner down, put it into the tractor and then drove away.
Right afterwards, the tractor suddenly stopped and started leaking oil. He got off and checked it, but was not able to find any problem. The tractor would not move at all. The young man suddenly realized that it was immediate retribution because he tore a Falun Gong banner down. He said ceaselessly while making bows with hands folded in front of himself, "Falun Dafa is Good. Falun Dafa is Good. I am wrong. I am wrong." He took out the banner and hung it on a tree. The tractor gradually stopped leaking oil.
It is not a big incident, but was widely spread around the local area. It warns the people that retribution will fall on those who damage Falun Dafa.