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Photo Report: LA-DC Van Group Arrived at Oklahoma City

July 14, 2001 |  

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National Moment Being interviewed by media

Practitioners recounting their persecution experiences in China

On July 11, the LA-DC Van group arrived at Oklahoma City. To be in a place where so many lives were lost to the bombing incident six years ago reminded us of the lives lost in China for practicing Falun Gong. Channel 13, KTOK radio, and The Oklahoma Daily took interviews and footage. Yaning, Minjing, Mrs. Ma, and Hongmei spoke to Oklahoma about their persecution experiences in China. We hope the kind-hearted people of Oklahoma will join us in our effort to put an end to the brutality.

Later on the practitioners from Orange County conducted phone interviews for the Orange County Register about our trip and then we had an English seminar at a hotel and Chinese workshop at a restaurant. Minjing and Yaning were interviewed extensively by World Daily (a Chinese newspaper) and Dallas Morning News.

As a group we are becoming more and more self-less as the trip progresses. Any of our personal problems become very trivial and a waste of time. It is crucial that we all work together putting in our full effort to clarify the truth effectively, and I think we've come together over these few days to work more harmoniously.