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A Walk from Falun to Stockholm to Save Falun Gong Practitioners in China

July 11, 2001 |   Swedish Practitioners

Swedish practitioners shall embark on a 250-km walk from Falun, a beautiful little town, to Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. This walk is a continuation of the SOS-campaign started earlier on June 15 during the EU-summit meeting in Gothenburg, which has sent Swedish practitioners on Hong Fa and Fa-rectification expeditions to Denmark, Finland, Norge, Czech Republic and Slovac Republic, Hungary and Spain.

The walk starts on July 12 in the Town Square of Falun where a press conference will be held to further reveal to the world the crimes of humanity committed during persecution of Falun Gong in China. On July 18 it shall reach Stockholm where a manifestation and press conference shall take place in Mynttorget near the Swedish Parliament. Thereafter a parade shall proceed to the Chinese Embassy where practitioners will start a 48-hour vigil.

The media is showing great interest in this event. One common question is why we have chosen to start the big walk in the town of Falun. On the surface it may seem to be a coincidence but as practitioners we know that there are reasons behind every event. Perhaps there is a strong relationship that is not apparent at the moment. Anyway our main concern at the moment is Fa-rectification. The journalists raised many questions about the persecution and practitioners tried to answer with compassion.

This walk will bring to light the fact that the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong in China is a crime committed against everyone from the man on the street to high officials.